Aaron Moses


After studying at university and excelling in soccer, a young Saudi is torn between the traditions of his father and the freedom he experiences in the U.S.
You Have a Nice Flight
A lovable Vietnamese manicurist, Dong Hung, desperately needs to fly to Vietnam within 24 hours to donate his kidney for a transplant to save his sick twin brother. But Dong Hung just can't stay out of trouble at the airport. His naivete and poor English, along with airport security and an unsympathetic airline leads to hilarious chaos. As things spiral out of control, Dong Hung misses his first flight and is bumped cruelly from the second. A beautiful stewardess, Jesta, tries to help and is pulled into Dong Hung's comical orbit. An unlikely romance develops and a hero emerges.
Sinister Squad
Tweedledee / Tweedledum
Cuando un culto sobrenatural amenaza la Tierra, Alice debe reunir un equipo de villanos de cuento para hacer frente a las fuerzas literales de la Muerte.
Cuando uno de ellos pierde su esposa e hija a manos de un asesino en serie, un equipo de cazadores de fantasmas se determina para capturar el espíritu de los seres queridos para que sus espíritus finalmente puede descansar en paz. Pero a medida que el equipo se adentra en la casa, los fantasmas se vuelven más hostiles, y el grupo descubre los verdaderos secretos de la casa y su asesino.