Two men on weekend outing assist country lass in trouble but find themselves in a stew. One is killed, one severely injured who recovers at the Campbell cabin. He learns the simplicity of country living and falls in love with daughter. She explains, mysteriously, that although she cares, this cannot be; the feud is coming', as it always does. Only after his own death, during the feud, does he realize that the Campbell and McDonald clans have been 50 years dead! He has, however, broken the cycle of the ongoing feud and now all, him included, may rest in peace.
Toni, a journalism student, transfers to a new college, where several coeds begin to disappear under suspicious circumstances. She decides to investigate the mystery on her own, and soon finds herself becoming embroiled in a twist filled saga of deeply buried secrets which attract the attention of a sadistic killer who will stop at nothing to hide the truth...
Original Music Composer
Un grupo de porristas se reúnen en el campamento Hurrah con la intención de entrenarse para las próximas competencias. Alison (Betsy Russell), una de las porristas comienza a sufrir pesadillas relacionados con asesinatos; además su novio Brent Hoover (Leif Garrett), que la acompañó al campamento, parece más interesado en las demás jóvenes que en su propia novia, lo que le produce celos a Alison. Cuando las jóvenes porristas comienzan a ser asesinadas una a una, Alison teme que, sin saberlo, sea ella la responsable.
The tours and detours of a husband and wife as they create and release the critically acclaimed album, O' Be Joyful. From working for tips to becoming "Emerging Artist of the Year," the two-man family band uses ingenuity and hard work to create something out of nothing.