Anna (voice)
Three sisters are facing an impending disaster: the imminent flooding by the sea of the lands where they live. In the midst of such chaos, the sisterly union is shaken up and each of the sisters experiences the imminence of death, in their inner selves, in a different way.
A fifteen-year-old child and his dog Spirale travel with a group of travelers. Winter approaches and life for the group and in the fields becomes more difficult. Either you adapt or have to leave.
Billie van Peteghem
Verano de 1910. Varios turistas han desaparecido mientras descansaban en las hermosas playas de la costa. Los inspectores Machin y Malfon pronto deducen que el centro de las misteriosas desapariciones debe ser la bahía Slack, un lugar donde el río Slack y el mar se unen cuando hay marea alta. En ese lugar vive una pequeña comunidad de pescadores y granjeros de ostras.