Gilles Marsalet


Parisian Hustle
Foley Artist
The story homes in on Mia, a 25-year-old Parisian who works in a nail bar on Rue des Dames. Unbeknownst to her employer and in exchange for money, she arranges access, for some of the salon’s female clients, to sought-after parties attended by high-profile footballers…
La Marginale
Foley Artist
Michèle, in her fifties, is homeless and lives at Orly airport where she leads a hard and lonely life. Theo, a mentally handicapped young man, works at the airport and lives with his "Auntie" who has been overprotecting him since he was abandoned by his mother. When Michèle decides to find her son in Lisbon, Theo naively agrees to drive her there, but what she doesn't know is that he only has a car without a license... They then embark on an adventure on the country roads, making us follow people we don't look at, on roads we never take.
Beating Sun
Foley Artist
Max is preparing an architecture and landscape competition for the city of Marseille. He is confident, his project is daring but pioneering. The oral is going well. The garden on this square is finally emerging and with it radical changes for the inhabitants as well as for Max whose career is stalling dangerously.
Tax Me If You Can
Foley Artist
Welcome to the enchanted world of capital evasion. The keys to fortune: knowing how to hide, find accomplices and take advantage of all the flaws. The rest of us mere mortals are left with austerity policies and the joy of living in an increasingly unequal world... How far will predators go in this widespread plundering of our economies? How is the political staff complicit? How are we braking? Between Paris and Geneva, Washington and Luxembourg, from Société Générale to HSBC, via Mac Donald, Ikea and Google ... we will track down the circuits of tax evasion and decipher the mechanisms of tax fraud.
La Jauría
Foley Artist
Eliú, a country boy, is incarcerated́ in an experimental minors' centre in the heart of the Colombian tropical forest, for a crime he committed with his friend El Mono. Every day, the teenagers perform strenuous manual labour and intense group therapy. One day, El Mono is transferred to the same centre and brings with him a past that Eliú is trying to get away from.
Brûlé neige
Sound Effects
Patouille and the Parachute Seeds
Sound Designer
Patouille is a little creature who lives in harmony with the plants. With his friend Momo, he discovers the amazing features of plants.
La mémoire des grands chiens
Sound Effects
The small town of Los Angeles abounds with treasures that the entire of France envies her : Its carwash, banks, supermarket and even its pear vendor. Nevertheless, despite these admirable modesties, the small town's charm and character unravels due to a lack of tenderness.
The Demons of Dorothy
Foley Artist
Dorothy, una directora de cine no muy exitosa, se divierte mucho escribiendo su propio guion. Pero, cuando su productora le llama, a Dorothy se le quitan las ganas de reír: ¡Ya es hora de dejar las comedias queer y escribir películas universales! Para no hundirse en la más profunda de las angustias, Dorothy busca consuelo en su serie preferida: Romy contra los vampiros. Pero, por desgracia, parece que sus fantasmas han decidido visitarla esa noche.
Vaca (Cow)
Foley Artist
Nos sumerge en la trayectoria vital y la rutina de trabajo de una vaca en una explotación ganadera.
La Vie
Sound Effects
Franck is an astrophysicist. His job is to perform laser drillings with the Lynx, an exploration rover on Mars. Assisted by his collegues, he spends the night looking for traces of organic life by examining rocks. In the morning, he will meet with his son who has been traveling around the world after staying with his mother.
Toutes les nuits
Belleville. A working-class Parisian neighborhood. Nadia teaches french to Chinese prostitutes in an association. Committed to her work, she gets close to one of her students, Mei, who is saving money to make his son travel to France.
Opération Portugal
Foley Artist
Hakim, de 35 años, un policía amistoso del vecindario, debe infiltrarse en la comunidad portuguesa con el propósito de una investigación. Pero, ¿se puede convertirse en portugués en tres días? Especialmente cuando sabemos que Hakim es un desastre andante en las operaciones encubiertas. Su torpeza y mala suerte convierten sus múltiples infiltraciones en cataclismos. El caso es claramente demasiado grande para él. Rápidamente atrapado entre sus sentimientos y su misión, Hakim, que vive solo con su madre, descubrirá una comunidad, pero también una familia.
El perro azul
Foley Artist
Émile tiene miedo del mundo. Ya no sale a la calle y pinta todo de azul. Una noche, su hijo Yoan se encuentra con Soraya, una fanática adolescente del baile . Ella le ayudará a encontrar el color correcto.
Arr. for a Scene
Arr. for a Scene is a documentary of two foley artists while they are producing sounds for one of the most famous scenes in the history of film: the shower scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, 1960.
La llegada
Assistant Foley Artist
Unas misteriosas naves espaciales aterrizan por todo el mundo. Un equipo, liderado por la lingüista Louise Banks, intenta descifrar el motivo de su visita. A medida que la humanidad se tambalea al borde de la guerra, Louise y su equipo luchan contra el tiempo, llegando a poner en peligro su vida y, muy posiblemente, la del resto de la humanidad.