TWO OR THREE THINGS I KNOW ABOUT EDWARD HOPPER is an immersive experience in 3D, that takes its viewers on a journey into the world of Hopper, sharpening their senses for some aspects of his unique work.
Three filmmakers receive an unsettling postcard from an estranged friend living in a secluded commune. The filmmakers take their cameras into the wilderness of Montana to document the mysterious inner workings of the group. On their disconcerting road to self-sufficiency, witnessing something more shocking than they ever imagined.
Chase McKinney
Un año después de despistar al FBI y conseguir la admiración del público con sus espectáculos mentales, los cuatro jinetes vuelven a la luz pública, pero un nuevo enemigo se propone arruinar su golpe más espectacular y peligroso hasta la fecha... Secuela de "Ahora me ves" del 2013.