Following the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley, which quickly devolves into an elaborate series of death traps centered around Chad’s favorite films, forcing the guests to band together and use the rules of horror to survive the bloody game.
Scare Package ofrece un vertiginoso viaje por todos los subgéneros del terror, en el que distintos talentos del fantástico más independiente se van pasando la pelota a la caza de gags sanguinolentos, desde mutaciones purulentas hasta toda clase de slashers improbables. 8 directores. 8 historias divertidas de terror.
Three artist friends - a cartoonist re-assessing his life after a near-death experience, a guitarist overwhelmed by his girlfriend's personal baggage, and a bassist emerging from a long-term relationship - reconcile their artistic ambitions with their own personal demons.
Sheila's new babysitter Emmie asks whether there are any bedtime rituals she needs to know about. There are.
Rita Starpattern
Era el 1 de agosto de 1966, y un mensaje se repetía en los medios de comunicación de Austin: “aléjense de la zona universitaria, hay un francotirador en la torre y está disparando”. El sitio al campus de la University of Texas duró 96 minutos, lo mismo que esta película que combina animación con imágenes de archivo para reconstruir el primer tiroteo masivo en un centro educacional norteamericano.
Jane PS626
The dawn of artificially intelligent androids is upon us. During a rebellion which threatens to destabilize the delicate balance between man and machine, young detective must choose between synthetic freedom and the future of humankind.
Abandoned by her mother and abused by her father, a lonesome runaway finds solace in a foreclosed home only for her sorrow to conjure the presence of "La Llorona" the weeping woman in white; a ghostly creature always in search of her missing children...that she killed herself many years ago.