Ann Forsyth


Front Page Story
A workaholic newspaper editor lets his wife leave on the holiday without him just at that time some important news stories break, including a plane crash, the one which his wife took....
Gift Horse
Script Supervisor
Basado en una historia real ocurrida durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando un comandante de la Marina británica preparó a sus hombres para enfrentarse a la flota alemana a pesar de estar en clara inferioridad de condiciones. El valor de los militares ingleses quedó para siempre en la memoria del pueblo inglés, al otorgarles una gran victoria moral.
Old Mother Riley's Jungle Treasure
Old Mother Riley runs into a ghost who turns out to be an old pirate searching for buried treasure.
Something in the City
A man hides the fact that he lost his job from his wife by apparently going off to work each day as normal but runs into trouble when he is tailed by a reporter.