Joel Hirvonen


Joel Hirvonen


Itty Bitty Princess
When the anarchistic princess of her own life, Princess Itty Bitty is told that her little brother, who still lives in her mother's womb, is about to move into her room, she's had enough. Drawing on the wisdom of her quirky neighbor, Auntie Jenssen, Itty Bitty devises a plan and conjures the bossy grown-ups to Hilldiggle with the help of her magical dog, Sausage.
Personnel Truck Driver
En lo profundo de la naturaleza salvaje de Laponia, Aatami Korpi está buscando oro, pero después de tropezar con una patrulla nazi, comienza una persecución impresionante y hambrienta de oro a través de la naturaleza salvaje de Laponia destruida y minada.
The Redeemers
Two cultists do door-to-door missionary work and in one house accidentally kill a person. That same night, a group of live action role-players enter the house. The cultists must hide the body, play along and survive the night.
A boy, whose mother used to prohibit his time travel games, has grown into an adult. He executes his everyday life like any man - exercising at the gym, working as a nightclub bouncer and spending his spare time with those who just happened to end up around him. An ordinary day comes to a halt when he runs into a familiar woman - with whom he hasn’t met before. The twosome develop an unprecedented sense of connection which makes them question everything they have believed in. As their self-evident future together starts to shine in the horizon, his repressed childhood enters from behind it. Encountering the past drives at stake both - the hopes for true love and his sense of reality.
Witness the Fitness
Kerttu is assigned to a gym due to back problems, where it turns out she is a genetic super-talent. Suddenly, she finds herself aiming for an incredible goal: a fitness championship. She is aided by a former genetic prodigy, journeyman bodybuilder Vili, who has lost his purpose in life. The mismatched duo have a lot to learn from each other. Before Kerttu can get into shape for the competition and Vili back on the road to life, both must grow as people and overcome steep prejudices.
MC-Helper BeKINGs
Räkä deliver pizzas for a living and spends his free time on moped meetings. In one meeting he meets Liima and together they start working towards the first place in the upcoming race. The moped club MC Helper is born.
Wedding of the Century
A celebrity psychiatrist struggles to find a date for a wedding. Her dearest ex is getting married and she needs to find someone fancy enough to hide the fact that she is lonely, drinks too much and is pretty fucked up in any imaginable way.
Vinski and the Invisibility Powder
10-year-old Vinski feels like an outsider and invisible among his age-mates, and even with his single mother Krista. Vinski meets a mysterious pharmacist who gives him a bottle of magical powder. A powder, that allows you to become invisible for real and walk through walls. It is fantastic to have the powers of a super hero, but soon a group of crooks becomes interested in the secret of invisibility as well.
Humorous fragment of starting over, struggles with life and neighbours. A story of the time when even washing the undies seems difficult.
Janika takes advantage of her pregnancy by smuggling amphetamine from Tallinn to Helsinki with her brother.
The Potato Venture
Communications soldier
A young Start-up entrepreneur tries to start importing potato to 17th century Finland. The new class of bourgeoisie is emerging and shaking up the stagnant spirit of the era. But nobody believes in potato, and the Turnip-Sellers Guild decides to squash the disturbance caused by the young entrepreneurs. In the end, the bumpy road of potatoes grows into mythical proportions.
It’s the past that defines you, Kari tells his therapy group. And indeed, after serving a lengthy prison sentence, he wants to become a better person. However, his former life as a ruthless debt collector catches up with him in a nightmarish way.
Force of Habit
Force of Habit follows the lives of various women throughout one day. Hilla is having a romantic vacation, Emmi is throwing a house party, and Milja is on her way to school when they’re approached by a stranger and things take an unexpected turn. At the same time, Emppu, a young actress, is conflicted as she rehearses for the biggest role of her life. Elsewhere, Aleksi, an inexperienced prosecutor, is preparing for his first court case in haste; Niina, the victim of the crime, has been waiting years to see her case tried. Miia throws a company party, and the mood dramatically changes when her colleague Katja opens up about their boss coming on to her. Miia and a couple of her closest colleagues try to resolve the situation, but how do the others react?
A Stop
A young girl tries to make it to school wearing high heels.
Somebody Should Do Something
Somebody Should Do Something tells a story of insecurity and longing for freedom, of fear that drives people to poor choices. The main character, Elvis, falls for the new girl in class, Onerva. Seeking acceptance from his friends, Elvis lies and tells them he’s had sex with Onerva. Due to the lies and misunderstandings, the whole town is soon at a point where somebody should do something.
Heavy Trip
Turo (25) está tratando de superar sus temores dirigiendo a la banda de heavy metal más desconocida en Finlandia, Impaled Rektum, al festival de metal más popular de Noruega. El viaje incluye el heavy metal, el robo de tumbas, el cielo vikingo y un conflicto armado entre Finlandia y Noruega.
Timo Jutila
Set in the final weekend of the year 1995 Ice Hockey World Championships, 95 tells through overlapping stories why Finland became a ice hockey world champion and how it affected the whole nation.
Veijo es un verdadero amante de los animales. Vive en una región suburbana de Finlandia de practicar ilegalmente la eutanasia a mascotas. También es un encantador de animales y prefiere ejercer la justicia por su cuenta contra propietarios negligentes para con sus mascotas. Su vida, tan poco convencional como está tan meticulosamente organizada, se verá trastocada al conocer a Petri, un mecánico de coches y miembro de una banda de neonazis, y Lotta, una joven enfermera que entiende sus psicosis. El cambio de Veijo empezará antes de que la sed de venganza sea su único combustible
Aimo and Milla are living together at Milla's alcoholics-turned-zombies parents' place. They save money to move out of the house. Due to his lack of self confidence, Aimo wastes their savings to turbo-boost his muscles. As conventional body building is not quite satisfactory, Aimo tunes himself up into a robot. Milla doesn't like the new Aimo-Robot and leaves him. Aimo´s heartache leads him to extreme measures as he also changes his heart into a metal one, one that doesn't hurt. Milla decides to steal Aimo heart: after all, a woman needs to have a man´s heart. Lovemilla is an anarchistic comedy trip, a comedy about love, a story about love, robots and bodybuilding.
Headfirst is a black comedy about a single mother with anger management problems and her teenage daughter who is always in trouble at school. With yet another school comes a new teacher and a blast from the past for the mother. Before long, an accidental pickpocket and a notoriously lousy storyteller teams up with this one dysfunctional sort of a family. Nothing is the same anymore. Headfirst is a story about missing teeth, strange friends, hidden dreams and long-gone love. And about a hare.
Superhero movie about a man who can control soundwaves.