Andrew Kerr


Tomorrowland: El mundo del mañana
1964 World's Fair Attendee (uncredited)
Unidos por el mismo destino, una adolescente inteligente y optimista, llena de curiosidad científica, y un antiguo niño prodigio inventor, hastiado por las desilusiones, se embarcan en una peligrosa misión para desenterrar los secretos de un enigmático lugar localizado en algún lugar del tiempo y el espacio, conocido en la memoria colectiva como “Tomorrowland”, y así salvar a la humanidad.
The Mysterious Campers
An adventure story for children set in New Zealand and told in eight sequential episodes. 1 of 8: Two mysterious men arrive in the remote area known as Marlborough Sound. They steal clothes, food and petrol from a farm.
Escaped Convicts
An adventure story for children in eight parts, filmed on location in New Zealand. In the second episode, the children who live around Marlborough Sound rescue a sheep stranded on a cliff ledge. Meanwhile, two escaped criminals steal food and make their plans.
Escape and Capture
An adventure story for children in eight parts, filmed on location in New Zealand. In the third episode, the escaped criminals attempt to flee in a rowing-boat. The children chase them in a motor boat; however, their plans backfire when the villains come aboard.
Caught at Sea
An adventure story for children in eight parts, filmed on location in New Zealand. In the fourth episode, the escaped criminals travel on a ferry to Wellington in order to retrieve money from a bank robbery, with the children in pursuit.
Packed in the Boot
An adventure story for children set in New Zealand and told in eight sequential episodes. 5 of 8: The escaped criminals drive away from Wellington in a stolen car. However, Johnny and Rangi are hidden in the boot.
Terror in the Caves
An adventure story for children set in New Zealand and told in eight sequential episodes
Jet Boat
An adventure story for children set in New Zealand and told in eight sequential episodes
Rangi's Catch
Four children on a remote sheep station in New Zealand hear of the escape of two convicts, and realise that the crooks are responsible for burgling their house.