Tansy Huws


Archivo 253
En el 2013 se ordenó la demolición de una clínica psiquiátrica la cual atendió durante más de 50 años a pacientes en la Ciudad de México. Unos meses antes de su demolición, cuatro jóvenes entraron a investigar la clínica y, decididos a descubrir la verdad sobre los rumores de sucesos extraños y paranormales, grabaron todo con lo que se toparon. Al día de hoy se desconoce el paradero de estos cuatro jóvenes y solo quedan restos de sus grabaciones.
The Illusion
Susana Barriga’s documentary, the illusion, begins with violence. A long shot reveals a man standing on a street corner, his features indiscernible in the night. He moves out of the camera’s line of vision, but the filmmaker, persistent, moves with him as the jostling of the camera marks her steps. As we learn moments later, the man in the distance is Susana’s father – and this is the clearest image of him we will have. Suddenly, an angry British man demands that Susana cease filming. Susana protests in heavily accented English, “He is my father!” Glimpses of a man’s torso are followed by blurred images as the camera spins rapidly over surfaces. The image cuts to black. A new male voice asks in carefully spaced out words if Susana would like him to call the police. When she doesn’t respond immediately, he speaks louder, as though volume would compensate for the language difference. She gives her name; she refuses the offer of an ambulance.