"The Uppsala Kidnapping" - A black comedy centered on the real events of the kidnapping that became a viral phenomenon with millions of live followers. Inspired by actual events occurred in Uppsala during Christmas 2011. In a desperate attempt to solve his economic problems Josef Esfarander, a medical student, plans to kidnap a law student from a wealthy family, assisted by his girlfriend Shirin and a credulous friend from high school. Josef strongly believes he achieved the perfect plan, but contrary to all his expectation the carrying out of the kidnapping becomes a farce.
Basado en hechos reales. Jussi Ketola, regresa a Finlandia desde la gran depresión golpeará a Estados Unidos solo para enfrentar una creciente agitación política en su país. Una noche de verano de 1930, matones nacionalistas secuestraron violentamente a Ketola de su casa. Golpeado y obligado a caminar por el Camino Eterno hacia la Rusia soviética, donde la crueldad parece no tener fin, su único sueño es volver a toda costa con su familia.
Katarina, de 20 años, con un pasado turbulento en un triste suburbio, siente que su vida parece estar ya escrita en piedra, hasta que descubre la música. Todo cambia cuando oye una interpretación del Réquiem de Mozart en el Salón de Conciertos de Gotemburgo, abriendose un mundo nuevo y precioso para ella.
Ida lives hard and fast with too much drinking and a string of boyfriends, Sandor has very few friends and his mother insists that he practices ballet. They meet in a chat room and despite appearances they discover they have much in common. Sandor and Ida lives in different cities and when Sandor unexpectedly visits her it ends with disaster.
A policeman from Stockholm come to Norrbotten in Sweden, to join his brother, now when their father is dead. While there he starts to work on a long-running case where reindeers have been poached and soon discovers that his brother is involved...
I bet anyone can get better at golf than you are in one week, a golfer says to her golfing businessman for a boyfriend in a quarrel. Unfortunately Stig-Helmer is standing nearby when the boyfriend accepts the bet, and he is chosen to be the competitor. Stig-Helmer has never played the game before, but his Norwegian friend Ole promises to help him.
Carl Hamilton (Coq Rouge, el James Bond sueco) es llamado ante la KU (la respuesta de Suecia a la audiencia en el Congreso estadounidense) para responder preguntas acerca de una guerra de espías entre Suecia y la Unión Soviética.