Dan Berthier


Malika, una joven prostituta, es salvajemente atacada en la calle por un grupo de gamberros justo delante de las narices de una pareja de burgueses, Hélène y Paul, que se ponen a salvo dentro de su coche. Hélène, llena de remordimientos lleva a la joven a un hospital, donde entra en coma. Hélène decide cuidar de ella, abandonando temporalmente a su marido y su hijo.
On an observatory set high on a mountain, astronomers make a stunning discovery somewhere out in the galaxy. A flying object in the depths of the cosmos is showing signs of life, emitting an intelligent signal. The UFO has just landed on Earth somewhere in the midst of a rainforest. Margot, the enthusiastic young woman heading up the research team, decides to go to the spot and check out this phenomenon. Meanwhile Edouard, our hero, studies the flora and fauna of the tree tops in the rainforest. He perches on an enormous net that stretches over the still pure, unadulterated forest that spreads out beneath him. He discovers a naked little twelve-year old girl seated on the net. He covers her with a broad banana leaf and asks where she comes from. She quickly replies, in perfect French 'from another world'.