Muksin E. Hamzah


I Want to Get Even
Cobra — pornographer, abductor, drugs dealer and weapons merchant — and his henchmen abduct and gang rape Irma, a woman who likes rough sex with her strong husband, Rudy. Irma's husband gets her free but in the escape she suffers an accident, and aborts. Irma's husband rapes Cobra's sister in revenge. The gang attacks Rudy, torture him, then drag him tied to a motorcycle until he is bleeding bad, then the Drug Lord beats him some more. Irma the mistreated housewife turns suddenly into the sexy wildcat commando, in tight shorts and boots, sleeveless low cut top, and head bandanna, who happens to have a handy bazooka to terminate the gang with great prejudice. Then she embraces Rudy, who was strong enough to survive the gang. Will he survive the Lady Exterminator?
Revenge of the Ninja
The stars of THE DEVIL SWORD return in another outrageous Indonesian adventure! An army of scumbags armed with machine guns and rocket launchers attack a magician who possesses a magic necklace. They mange to take it from him but later it proves that its not the real necklace. That's when all hell breaks loose... REVENGE OF NINJA hardly has any ninjas but is packed with non-stop trashy violence and delivers everything you can expect from an Indonesian action film: huge explosions, tortures, beatings, unbelievable fights and the usual atrocious dubbing.
La espada del diablo
La Espada del Diablo se encuentra oculta en la caverna de la Montaña del Diablo, todo el que ha intentado encontrarla y apoderarse de élla ha muerto, porque se dice que quien la posea, será el guerrero más poderoso. Cuatro guerreros malvados atacan al encargado de custodiar el mapa de la ubicación de la espada y después de torturarle le dejan por muerto. Cuando Mandala se entera de lo sucedido, sale detrás de los guerreros para darles caza y evitar que encuentren la caverna y la espada. En su camino deberá luchar contra la "Reina Cocodrilo" y sus secuaces, siendo el más peligroso y cruel, Ban Yu Yaga.
Escape from Hellhole
Indonesian film about a Punjabi girl getting tricked into living with a big time pimp. Uncle MG as they call him, abducts virgins, and forces them to submit to his hymen bustin ways. The not so attractive gals get several chances to marry Uncle MG, or it's into his private jail. Old wives become queen bees, and must submit to the guards.
Aladino y la lámpara maravillosa
Aladin, un adolescente huérfano que vive con su madre Amina, trabaja de mozo en el mercado. Pronto se topa con un mago que dice ser hermano de su difunto padre, y lo engaña para que le lleve una lámpara mágica. Aladin descubre el engaño y con la ayuda del genio de la lámpara tratará de frustrar los pérfidos planes del mago.
Fantasy flick starring Suzzanna and the usual magic special effects.
Ghost with Hole
An honest woman falls for a model agency scam, and is then brutally murdered by mindless thugs. She rises from the crypt as a Sundel Bolong (a mythological Indonesian revenge ghost) to exact vengeance in very gruesome and interesting ways. Can anyone stop her? …or at least give this poor soul some peace? Starring film icon, Suzzanna, this pic explodes off the screen like a rocket-powered comic book. It’s got it all, dark and moody atmosphere, a haunting score (infused with some synthpop disco numbers), gory ghostly killings, and some truly inventive cinematography. (cont.
Jaka Sembung (The Warrior)
A principios del S. XIX, en la época de la colonización holandesa, un tiránico gobernador mantiene aterrorizada a la población de Java. Jaka Sembung, conocido como “El Guerrero”, es capturado por los holandeses y enviado a un campamento de trabajos forzados. Al poco consigue huir, mientras que los holandeses ponen recompensa a su cabeza, y con el fin de capturarlo, un brujo revive a Ki Item, el cuál poseía el arte místico de Rawe Rontek: si cualquier parte de su cuerpo era mutilada, se unía de nuevo si tocaba la tierra.
People on an island are brutally murdered one by one by a mysterious stranger in this Indonesian Friday the 13th rip-off.
La reina de la magia negra
En Queen of Black Magic, Suzzanna interpreta a una joven que ha sido vilmente traicionada por su novio. Tras ser arrojada por un barranco, con la casa quemada y la madre asesinada, un ermitaño la convertirá en bruja y ella no dudará en iniciar un truculento reinado de terror.
Three students, Tommy, Rita, and Robert, and their guides head into the jungle to study primitive tribes separated from civilization. However, the students say the one tribe they visit isn't primitive enough, and they want to find some really savages, and to locate the legendary cannibal tribe supposedly living in the area.