Alex Webb

Alex Webb


Alex Webb is an actor/writer/director. His first feature film "To The Flame" was nominated for Best Feature at the Madrid International Film Festival. It also won Best Screenplay and Best Ensemble Honorable Mention at the Queens World Film Festival as well as a Best Actor nomination for Mr. Webb.


Alex Webb


A Different Sun
A Chinese family struggles to acclimate to a new culture after immigrating to Germany from Shanghai. Eastern and Western culture clash as the husband, wife and daughter all struggle in their own ways in their strange new home. The family tears itself apart before triumphing over adversity and finding their place in the community.
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FBI Director
Seth ha dejado los estudios y ha montado un casino ilegal en su casa. Su padre, que es juez, no ve demasiado bien esta ocupacion, y esto provoca nuevas tiranteces en su relacion, ya de por si tensa. Todo parece cambiar cuando a Seth un cliente le ofrece trabajar como agente de bolsa. Sin embargo, pronto comprobará que no es oro todo lo que reluce. Es un mundo atractivo en el que la gran parte son jóvenes y ambiciosos. Pero en el negocio de la especulación financiera la lealtad riñe con la ambición...