Durgadas Bannerjee


Sei Chokh
When Nabakrishna's mother died, he was just a boy. She left him enough fortune to live a well-off life. But, can money fulfil everything that one can desire in their life?
A child princess gets a harmonium from her father. Through fate and manager she is orphan, then widow and penniless. The harmonium, sold, changed hand and bringing ill-luck wherever it went. Will they ever meet? Under what circumstances?
A patriotic doctor lends moral backbone to the broken society of Bengal.
A Middle Aged Woman named Sheba comes to an Obscure town named Nijhumgarh to be the Governess of a Renowned Household called "Raykuthi". But little did she know about the Bungalow and the dwellers. She gets startled to know that two murders took place there nearly seven years earlier. The Mist of the mysterious happenings get only thicker. Now Sheba could only pray for it to Go Away as incidents transcend the rules of our physical world.
Las aventuras de Goopy y Bagha
King of Amloki
Dos chicos aspiran, cada uno por su lado, a ser artistas: Goopy desea ser cantante y Bagha quiere tocar el tambor dhol. Ambos se conocen en la jungla, cuando el rey del pueblo los expulsa. Vagando por la jungla encuentran al rey de los fantasmas, que les concede tres favores: poder conseguir siempre comida, tener libertad para ir a cualquier parte y la posibilidad de convertirse en músicos expertos capaces de hechizar a todo el mundo. Cuando los chicos oyen hablar de un concurso de música en el reino de Shundi, se dirigen allí para probar sus poderes.
Narayan / Tribhanga
Indranath’s son is ill, Guru Omkarananda suggests he pray to the goddess Kamala. His son improves but bad luck follows Indranath; his son and daughter die. Unable to stand the grief the Queen/Kalyani loses her mental equilibrium. Goddess Kamala manifests as Rupasi, the daughter of Omkarananda. Virodhananda and his son Tribhanga are the incarnation of Narad and Narayan on earth. The kingdom goes through difficult times. Omkarananda is arrested and Rupasi goes to meet Bastabesh/Indranath who is attracted to her. Rupasi takes refuge in Birodhananda’s house to avoid Bastabesh’s advances. Birodhananda is interested in getting his son Tribhanga married to Rupasi. Bastabesh goes after Rupasi/Kamala who blinds him. Finally the gods perform their miracle and a repentant Bastabesh is restored his sight and kingdom.
Un famoso musical Saigal que narra una extraña historia de amor.