Nicole Dedieu


The Kid from Chaaba
Le Gone du Chaâba (The Kid of the Chaaba), translated into English as Shantytown Kid by Naima Wolf, is an autobiographical novel by Azouz Begag about his life as a young Algerian boy growing up in a shantytown next to Lyon, France, called the Chaâba by its inhabitants. The story covers a period of approximately three years in the life of the protagonist and deals with issues developing from the clash between two cultures, that of France and that of North Africa, as well as the difficulties of finding a cultural identity between the two. The story focuses on the cultural differences between the Arab and French communities, as well as how the two groups react to each other
Follows a young cyclo (bicycle cab) driver on his poverty-driven descent into criminality in modern-day Ho Chi Minh City. The boy's struggles to scratch out a living for his two sisters and grandfather in the mean streets of the city lead to petty crime on behalf of a mysterious Madame from whom he rents his cyclo.
El olor de la papaya verde
Mui es una niña que llega a la ciudad para trabajar como sirvienta en una casa. La muerte, años atrás, de la hija menor de la familia hace que el padre se sienta culpable, y ese drama arruina la relación con su mujer. El hombre para evadirse escapa constantemente de casa con los ingresos de una pequeña mercería que sostiene la precaria economía del hogar. Mui, al mismo tiempo que trata de afrontar sus obligaciones de sirvienta sufre el acoso de Tin, el hijo menor de la familia. Pero Mui mantiene una pasión secreta por Khuyén, un compositor joven, rico y soltero, que de vez en cuando visita a la familia. Diez años más tarde, convertida Mui en una mujer de belleza salvaje, va a trabajar con Khuyén y a su lado comenzará para ella una vida más digna y esperanzada.
Family Life
Every Saturday, to the great despair of his wife, Emmanuel finds his daughter Elise, fruit of a first union. A demanding and excessive father in his passions, he went to lay a loving trap for Elise.