Susan Brown
Nacimiento : 1932-05-04, San Francisco, California, USA
Muerte : 2018-08-31
Kate Hollander
Beth Bradfield (Patty Duke) is a housewife with what appears to be a stable life in an American village. One day, her 24-year-old daughter Lori (Tracey Gold), who is married to Jesse Molina (Maurice Benard) and recently gave birth to his daughter Molly (Laura and Megan Jaime), unexpectedly collapses and is hospitalized. After several tests, she is diagnosed with leukemia. Her doctor (Erick Avari) reveals to Beth that Lori is in urgent need of a donor, though her rare blood type makes finding one a difficult task.
Una exitosa mujer de negocios tiene un encuentro con el fantasma de un detective. Cansada de su vida actual, Elizabeth Bentley renuncia a su productiva carrera como abogada y se convierte en investigador privado.
Since the death of her husband 10 years ago, Evelyn has been working hard for her company, but had no private life. Now her doctor shocks her with the news that she may live only another 6 months. Spontanely she follows a TV ad and sets out for vacation in Mexico. There she meets widower Lloyd and they fall in love, go bungee jumping... until she gets another diagnosis from her doctor.
Nancy Reagan
The story of Ronald Reagan's press secretary who was crippled in the 1981 assassination attempt on the president and who, with his wife, became the lightning rod for the gun control movement in the years since.
Pat Nixon
Crónica de los últimos meses de Nixon en la Casa Blanca. Un déspota, pero también un humano: un individuo confundido y patético que nunca terminó de entender cómo, en menos de un año, pudo perder todo aquello para lo que había trabajado durante toda su vida.
An orphaned teenager becomes involved with an alien who was beamed to Earth from another galaxy in a TV signal. Is the alien a dream come true or a harbinger of doom? Originally broadcast as part of "The Wide World of Mystery."
Jen Kingsley
When a woman dies in a car accident, her former husband (a traveling circus worker) learns that his wife was pregnant when she divorced him many years earlier. The now teen-aged daughter enters his life. Can they form a relationship?
Maybelle Bascomb
Finales de los años sesenta. Aunque la mayoría de la población de Atoka (Alabama) es negra, está dominada por los blancos, muchos de los cuales pertenecen al "Ku-Klux-Klan", una organización racista que impone el terror. A este pueblo llega Loretta, una joven negra que trabaja en Chicago.
Allison Stone
Después de que un satélite artificial se estrelle en una remota aldea de Nuevo Méjico, el equipo encargado de recuperarlo descubre que casi todos los habitantes del lugar han perecido víctimas de una horrible muerte, con la misteriosa excepción de un niño y un viejo. Los superviventes son trasladados a un laboratorio de avanzadísima tecnología situado a una profundidad de cinco pisos bajo tierra, donde los perplejos científicos tratan de determinar la naturaleza del mortífero microbio antes de que cause estragos en todo el mundo.
Third Party Guest
A psychiatrist specializing in the occult becomes involved in the case of a man who is possessed by a spirit in an antique mirror. The man's fiance discovers that the mirror is able to bring back her former boyfriend, who had been killed in a car accident, from the dead.
Mrs. Mulvaney
An aging former movie starlet whose Hollywood career went nowhere, now reduced to dancing with a third-rate touring show, finds herself stranded in a small town where she's courted by an infatuated and naive local teenager.
Dancer (uncredited)
Eugene y Rick son dos cómicos que comparten piso. Rick no soporta a Eugene porque éste, que es un fanático de los cómics de Pulp Fiction, tiene constantes pesadillas. Pronto, la tolerancia de Rick aumenta, pues las pesadillas de Eugene son un material excelente para aprovechar en un nuevo cómic que tiene en mente.