Simone Rosati


Sposa in rosso
Nuestros mejores años
Assistant Editor
La historia de cuatro amigos Giulio, Gemma, Paolo, Riccardo, contada durante cuarenta años, desde 1980 hasta la actualidad, desde la adolescencia hasta la edad adulta. Sus esperanzas, sus decepciones, sus aciertos y fracasos son el entrelazamiento de una gran historia de amistad y amor a través de la cual también se cuentan Italia y los italianos. Un gran fresco que dice quiénes somos, de dónde venimos y también a dónde irán y quiénes serán nuestros hijos. Es el gran círculo de la vida que se repite con la misma dinámica a pesar de que en el fondo pasan años e incluso períodos diferentes.
La alegría de las pequeñas cosas
Assistant Editor
Después de un accidente mortal, Paolo regresa a la Tierra solo 92 minutos más, gracias a un error de cálculo realizado en una oficina paradisíaca.
En casa todo está bien
Assistant Editor
Todos los miembros de una gran familia se reencuentran para celebrar las bodas de oro de los abuelos en la isla donde éstos se han trasladado a vivir. Una tormenta repentina hace imposible la llegada de los transbordadores, obligando a todos a quedar atrapados en la isla. Juntos deberán enfrentarse con un pasado no silenciado por los celos, la ansiedad, la traición, el miedo e incluso los repentinos e inesperados rayos.
La hora del cambio
Assistant Editor
Los vecinos del pequeño pueblo siciliano de Pietrammare viven acostumbrados al caos que conlleva “saltarse la ley”, pero están hartos. Las carreteras tienen socavones, el tráfico es insufrible, la basura se acumula en las aceras y no hay día que un vecino no pise un excremento de perro. Tampoco les falta un gran puerto... sin barcos, y una fábrica altamente contaminante. Pero parece que ha llegado la hora del cambio: en las elecciones, un nuevo alcalde ha salido victorioso y viene con la firme intención de cumplir todo su programa electoral.
Sotto una buona stella
Assistant Editor
A wealthy broker, Federico Picchioni, within two days forfeits his partner and work, finishing well to living with two children and granddaughter (abandoned by her father). He is, at this point, in the face of many difficulties of adjustment but finds comfort in the help of his neighbor.
Aspirante vedovo
Assistant Editor
A ne'er-do-well who's married to a millionnaire realizes his financial trouble might be solved if his wife was dead - and sets out a plot to achieve just that. A remake of Dino Risi's "il vedovo".
The Worst Christmas of My Life
Assistant Editor
Paolo needs to reach the castle of Alberto Caccia, where he was invited to spend Christmas with his family and Margherita, the ninth month of pregnancy. With them there will also be blessed, daughter of Alberto and childhood friend of Margherita, who was also pregnant. Among various mishaps and blunders, Paolo will combine another of his, coming to make everyone believe, because of a misunderstanding, that Alberto's died for his fault.
La matassa
Assistant Editor
Two cousins haven't spoken for almost twenty years, thanks to the enmity that their fathers feel toward one another. But an accident suddenly brings the cousins back together and thrusts them deep into the heart of the mafia.
The Goodbye Kiss
Assistant Editor
Leftist radical-turned-terrorist Giorgio—who fled to Latin America in the '70s to escape justice—decides to surrender after hearing about the fall of the Berlin Wall. Determined to lead a comfortable, bourgeois life in his native Italy, he cuts a deal with a shady police chief, getting his sentence reduced in exchange for ratting out former comrades. Once released, Giorgio obsessively pursues his dream of becoming a "respectable" citizen, even if the way is paved with larceny, pimping, drug-dealing, rape, heist, and murder...
Leo the Lion
It’s a hard life for young Leo: his family just doesn’t understand why he’s a vegetarian lion. His solitude ends when he meets Avoria, the elephant queen, who has recently given birth to two calves with braided tails. Mysteriously widowed, Avoria is courted by dapper Zanco. By a series of misfortunes she is separated from her young. Leo steps in to take care of them: thus begins his search for legendary Milk Lake, during which he experiences all sorts of incredible adventures. This fable with a happy ending handles the themes of diversity and racism with engaging originality.