This comedy narrates the many adventures of a millionaire's handsome, sassy son named Amir - born into a world of privilege, he is used to getting everything he desires. This time his eyes turn to a peerless lady but her untamable will, combined with a sudden rush of plucky hoodlums, makes his task harder than first thought. Will he prevail or will he be in for a rude awakening?
Between Shadow and Light is a documentary about the thought, style and works of "Farah Osuli", a contemporary Iranian painter. He seeks to find a meaningful form to express his thoughts and ideas in his works and has found this form in the rich tradition and subtle beauty of Iranian paintings, architecture and decorative arts.
Un hombre de mediana edad decide suicidarse. Su única preocupación es encontrar a alguien que le ayude y se comprometa a enterrarlo. Esta situación le permite conocer a una gran variedad de personajes.
A film about an anthropologist and his daughter during three periods: before, during, and after the Iranian Revolution. The daughter works in the accident & emergency department of a hospital, which is never empty of suicidal patients. The reason behind each suicide attempt is different, especially before and after the revolution. Looking for a reason to live, one of the suicide patients falls in love with the anthropologist’s daughter.