Transportation Coordinator
Explorar imperios perdidos, descubrir tesoros de incalculable valor, castigar a los malvados en combates a vida o muerte… todo forma parte de un día de trabajo para la aventurera Lara Croft. Pero un secreto del pasado de su padre va a llevar a Lara a su desafío más grande: el Triángulo de la Luz, un legendario artefacto con el poder de alterar el espacio y el tiempo. Lara ha de encontrar el Triángulo antes de que caiga en poder de los Illuminati, una sociedad secreta dispuesta a dominar el mundo. Para detener a los Illumitati, Lara ha de sobrevivir a una auténtica cacería a través del planeta, repleta de inimaginables peligros.
Location Manager
In a barren land ruled by oppression and ignorance, a spirited woman driven by hope of a better life must fight against the odds. Agnes is a servant in the house of the county sheriff. There she is constantly sexually harassed by him and treated with contempt by his wife. Agnes falls in love with Natan, a self taught homoeopathic doctor. The sheriff takes revenge on Natan by making it illegal for him to practice his profession. The dramatic relationship between the three main characters ultimately leads to a fatal web of events where a love affair turns into a nightmare of brutality and destruction.