Michael Ian Farrell


Plagado de engaños: Un misterio en Marthas Vineyard
Cuando unas esmeraldas legendariamente malditas salen a la superficie desde el mercado negro para aparecer en una casa de subastas y están a punto de ser robadas, el exdetective Jeff Jackson es llamado a salir de su retiro para supervisar que las esmeraldas lleguen a salvo a su legítimo heredero.
Inspector Gourmet: Un lugar sano para morir
El cocinero Henry Ross y la policía Maggie Price vuelven a unir fuerzas para resolver otro crimen. Y es que Henry, durante su estancia en un hotel, descubre que una periodista ha sido asesinada.
Kid Cannabis
Una película basada en un artículo publicado en la revista Rolling Stone, que narra la historia real de dos jóvenes, Nate y Topher, que traficaban con marihuana en la frontera entre Idaho y la Columbia Británica.
Meat Market 3
A young couple attempts to make their way to a rescue station during a worldwide crisis in which the dead return to life seeking living victims for sustenance. When they arrive, the shelter is being overrun by the undead and they seek refuge in a nearby abandoned house, and can only watch in horror as destruction and carnage ensue outside the windows... Low on food, water, and deprived of sleep, their grasp on sanity begins to slip away. But they have one small hope that may allow them to battle their way across the war-zone that was once the Garden City to what they hope is another survivor, and escape the maelstrom together. They fight not only with the reanimated dead, but with their own bodies and minds, as they hallucinate and slip in and out of consciousness, in their desperate final effort.
Dark Paradox
The Publisher
The film follows a writer's unwitting discovery of the history and secret efforts of a cult in Victoria, Canada that has been engaged in a 60 year effort to open a portal between our world and another, letting in a host of vicious inter-dimensional beings. The city of Victoria was rumored in the 1980's to be the second worldwide 'capital of Satanism' after Geneva, Switzerland. Dark Paradox explores the idea that this myth was not only partially true but also partially inaccurate in suggesting the cult activity was 'Satanic' when in fact it was based on the worship of ancient extraterrestrial 'elder gods' in the vein of HP Lovecraft's fiction.