Custard the Cat (voice)
Tarta de Fresa tiene un sueño de nuevos campos de arbustos de bayas frescas, suficiente para todos. Pero cuando el codicioso Peculiar Purple Pieman llega en la tierra de fresa, decide robar el sueño de Tarta de Fresa y de todos los demás también. Con el fin de detener a Pieman Purple y su malvado plan, Tarta de Fresa y sus amigos deben viajar a la Tierra de los Sueños. En el camino, estos amigos especiales aprenden el valor de trabajar juntos para hacer que los sueños se hagan realidad.
Custard (voice)
Put on your favorite hat and join Strawberry Shortcake for more great storytelling. First, when a garden party at Strawberry's house has to be postponed because of a downpour, Blueberry Muffin suggests that they put on costumes and act out the fairy tale Strawberryella.
Custard (voice)
Ginger Snap's No-Light Night of Fright: When Strawberry & Friends go on an overnight campout, Ginger Snap doesn't want them to find out… she's afraid of the dark! The Blueberry Beast: There's someone… or something strange in the neighborhood and the kids imagine the worst - but Strawberry finds it's a new girl, Blueberry Muffin, and she's just like them.
Custard (voice)
"Angel Cake in the Outfield": First, during a ball game, when things don't go Angel Cake's way, she decided to take her ball and go home. Thinking fast, Strawberry and Apple Dumplin teach Angel that the fun of sports... is to have fun! "Win Some, Lose Some": Peppermint Fizz is so determined to win the Nearly Once-A-Yearly Strawberryland Games, she cheats! But when Apple Dumplin' beats her in a race, Peppermint learns that it's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game that matters.
Custard (voice)
Join your "berry" special friend, Strawberry Shortcake, for more delightful fun! In "Here Comes Pupcake," Strawberry takes in a little lost dog named Pupcake, but her spoiled house cat, Custard, does everything to make the peppy puppy want to leave! Then, in "Peppermint's Pet Peeve," sneaky Peppermint Fizz cheats so that her pet, Cola Chameleon, wins a pet competition, only to learn that no one has to "win" anything in order to be happy and have fun!
Custard (voice)
Strawberry Shortcake: Adventures on Ice Cream Island (2004)