Michael Janibekyan

Michael Janibekyan

Nacimiento : 1973-09-12, Yerevan, USSR (Armenia)


Michael Janibekyan
Michael Janibekyan


Doctor Whistle
Arsen from the seaside Dagomys dreamed of becoming a plastic surgeon since childhood. His dream almost came true - he got a job in a Moscow plastic surgery clinic... as an administrator. Arsen did not have a medical education, but he was good at earning money by passing off Chinese implants for Swiss ones or selling a place in a queue to patients. Everything was seized from him, until the "fresh tuning" of the next star of show business exploded right on board the plane! Together with fake implants, Arsen's career was scattered to shreds - he was forced to flee from Moscow to his native Sochi. Where, in what he is sure, his rich experience will allow him to open his own clinic and make this world a better place! Well, or at least more.
Una amistad para siempre
La película está inspirada en la increíble historia de un perro pastor llamado Palm que fue dejado inadvertidamente en el aeropuerto por su dueño. Se hace amiga de Nicholas, de nueve años, cuya madre muere, dejándolo con un padre al que apenas conoce, un piloto que encuentra al perro en el aeropuerto. Es una historia de aventuras asombrosas, verdadera amistad y amor incondicional.
T-34 Héroes de acero
En 1944, un valiente grupo de soldados rusos logra escapar de la cautividad alemana en un tanque T-34 medio destruido.
Ferry Number Seven
Very little time has passed since the beginning of World War II. The young captain of the ship receives a crucial task - to deliver a secret cargo. But besides this, prisoners are brought on board. During swimming, convicts riot. At the same time, an enemy aircraft is circling the ship. In this difficult moment, the crew of the ship have to join forces with the prisoners, because this is the only way to resist death...
Brass Sun
Амирханян, командир части, полковник
Top Russian movie stars play in this drama series about the 1991 civil war threat in Uzbekistan. Musicians from a small military orchestra leave their regimen to play at a local wedding. When they return, they find all their barracks empty. Their regiment has received an urgent redeployment order and left. All of a sudden, a militant group appears from the mountains. They have crossed the border planning to stir a civil war and threatening to kill everyone in their way, even women and children. So, instead of catching up with the regiment, the musicians decide to stay and fight for the innocent civilians.
Sin perdón
Basado en hechos reales y trágicos en la vida de Vitaly Kaloyev, arquitecto y hombre de familia. En 2002, su esposa e hijos mueren en una colisión en el aire junto con otras 70 personas, en su mayoría niños. Vitaly es una de las primeras personas en descubrir los cuerpos de su familia en el lugar del accidente. Se culpa a la empresa responsable de monitorear el espacio aéreo, así como al único controlador de tráfico aéreo que estaba de servicio en ese momento. Dos años más tarde, después de muchos esfuerzos obstruidos para obtener disculpas y respuestas, Vitaly vuela a Suiza para obtener justicia.
Buy Me
Katya, a young girl from a good family, a student of philology is awarded a grant to study archives in Paris but instead of heading to Paris she travels to the Arab Emirates to start international modeling career…
The Kitchen: World Chef Battle
Victor Barinov at the personal request of the Russian President will go to Sochi at the world championship for professional chefs and to prove that he and his team are the best in the world! The hard struggle for the title of winner of Operations will help "dark horse" - his own son Ivan, which he suddenly found out on the eve of the championship.
Basado en el Terremoto de 1988 que azotó al país de Armenia, cuenta la historia de un hombre de familia que tras un viaje al exterior, aterriza en el epicentro de la desastre, encontrando su ciudad natal devastada. Pronto, tendrá que encontrar a su familia. Basado en hechos reales
Побег из Москвабада
Transcurre agosto de 1944, donde las tropas soviéticas durante la ofensiva de Polonia oriental. reciben la tarea de mantener un puente donde cruzaran unidades del Ejército soviético. Al llegar a la posición de los soldados, se encuentran con un monasterio destruido y a un grupo de huérfanos sordomudos justo al lado de los nazis.
Dark World: Equilibrium
Every day, they steal your strength, your emotions, your love. We call them the Shadow. Work like us - to deliver them back to the Dark World. Impending disaster, and humanity can be at the mercy of darkness ... And only we can keep the balance
Pavlov's Dog
Two twenty-year-olds meet each other in the sanatorium and fall in love. Ksenia is an alchoholic, Maxim is suicidal. Gradually it becomes clear that the characters, betrayed by their relatives, kept inside the sanatorium, constrained by regimes and the cult of work therapy, are healthier and freer than many of those who live outside.
Happy New Year, Daddy!
Ded Moroz
A boy is asking Santa for a very unusual New Year present - a dad!
Déjà vu
The Prohibition years. Chicago bootleggers suffer losses due to their betrayal by one Mick Nich - Mikita Nichiporuk. The mob decides to execute the traitor, who escaped to Odesa, USSR, and organized his own bootleg business there. The hitman, Pollack, arrives in Odesa, and realizes how hard it is to make the hit here, as compared to a civilized country like USA.
How's Home, How's Everything?
A story about a life of a group of children in Tbilisi, Georgia during WWII.
The Kite Day
A story about young Annie who's taking her parents divorce very hard.