Dissatisfied with her options in the world of striving, a young deaf woman, Iris (Sophie MacLean), decides to give up on yearning to connect. Instead she floats along, working at a greenhouse, embracing her silent solitude and learning to be happy with less. Everything is going just fine until she meets a precocious musician named Celeste (Bryde MacLean). Beautifully shot on Prince Edward lsland, Singing to Myself is an intimate gaze into the complexity and ease of female friendship.
Dissatisfied with her options in the world of striving, a young deaf woman, Iris (Sophie MacLean), decides to give up on yearning to connect. Instead she floats along, working at a greenhouse, embracing her silent solitude and learning to be happy with less. Everything is going just fine until she meets a precocious musician named Celeste (Bryde MacLean). Beautifully shot on Prince Edward lsland, Singing to Myself is an intimate gaze into the complexity and ease of female friendship.
Amy, una joven recién graduada en la universidad, cree estar destinada a ser una gran poetisa, pero lo cierto es que ha terminado trabajando en una tienda de libros para adultos. Un día conoce a uno de sus poetas favoritos, Rat Billings, y se convierte en su ayudante en la Universidad de Syracusa.