Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Kristina lives with Vitaly in a quiet family life, but her sarcastic world view does not coincide with Vitaly’s ideals. While she is engaged in household chores, he spends more and more time at work, and Kristina begins to suspect that this is somehow connected with the appearance of his young assistant Sonya in the office.
Director of Photography
"The Last Six Degrees of Celebration" will be the most touching, kind and magical of all, because your favorite characters will say goodbye to the audience. The film almanac will include five New Year stories. In the novel "Pines" millenial will help his brutal stepfather, Uncle Yura, to make a marriage proposal. In "The Brothers", the inseparable friends, Borya and Zhenya, will once again be on the verge of breaking up, because Zhenya is going to return to Yakutsk. The skier and snowboarder turned the whole city over for the sake of the smile of one beauty in the short story “Restaurant of quick acquaintance”. “The Station for Three” will tell the story of a simple girl from Voronezh who went in pursuit of her happiness - the capital actor Komarovsky, and in the novel “Bad Grandpa” the Snow Maiden will go to save a lonely, but very grumbling grandpa.
Director of Photography
En la Mongolia Rusa, los Kamulkos creen que el nacimiento de un camello albino es signo de buena suerte. Altynka es una cría de camello albino que es vendida por el patriarca de una familia para poder afrontar económicamente el nacimiento de su nuevo hijo. Tras la venta de Altynka, su madre, Mara, se escapa para encontrar a su cría. Su desaparición es un desastre para la familia, por lo que el hijo mayor, Bayir, con solo doce años emprende un viaje por la estepa, subido en una vieja moto, para encontrar a Mara, que es la base del sustento familiar.
Director of Photography