Simon Gosejohann

Simon Gosejohann

Nacimiento : 1976-01-09, Gütersloh, Germany


Simon Gosejohann


Alien Tampon
When an unsuspecting student inserts a blood drenched alientampon and mutates into a murdering monster, a group of students unite their forces in order to confront her with weapons and courage.
12 pasos sin cabeza. La leyenda de un pirata
Fokko Johannson
Divertirse, desatar el caos y provocar motines ha sido, durante mucho tiempo, la forma de vida de los piratas Klaus Stöertebeker y Gödeke Michels. Un sinfín de conquistas en el Mar Báltico han dado a Stöertebeker una reputación de rebelde y revolucionario y, para sus leales tropas de piratas, él es una leyenda. Sin embargo, las constantes batallas y luchas contra los odiados “ricachones” de Hanse han ido desgastando a los antes invencibles bucaneros y a su audaz tripulación. Es por eso que, cuando Stöertebeker resulta gravemente herido en una batalla para abordar un barco, el legendario pirata comienza a preguntarse si este tipo de vida tiene futuro para él y, en el momento en que se enamora de la preciosa y luchadora Billie, la cual le hace soñar con una tranquila vida en tierra firme, se ve obligado a enfrentarse a su futuro.
Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!
Ulf 'Ulle' Polle
So far he has earned his living as deputy editor-in-chief at the Grevenbroicher Tagblatt, but actually Horst Schlämmer had always guessed: he was destined for something bigger - too much bigger. Without further ado, he therefore quits his old job, founds his very own party and thus starts his rush to the chancellor's office. While the election machinery is quickly started and soon picks up speed, only two questions remain unanswered: Is Horst Schlämmer ready for Germany? And is Germany ready for him?
Die Aufschneider
Lebenspartner Schwangere
El osito polar: la isla misteriosa
Carlson (voice)
En esta ocasión, el osito polar Lars viaja a las Islas Galápagos junto a sus amigos de siempre, como Robby y Caruso el pingüino. En este paraíso tropical conocen a muchos exóticos y divertidos animales como pájaros, cangrejos y tortugas. Pero unos científicos intentan atrapar a un nuevo y misterioso amigo de Lars, por lo que nuestro intrépido osito necesitará la ayuda de todos sus amigos para hacer fracasar el plan de los científicos...
Operation Dance Sensation
After escaping from the terror of Vietnam, Jackson works as a headhunter. His old enemies from Vietnam open up a disco near the American-Iraqi border. They try to sell dangerous weapons to the Iragi government. Jackson is the only one who can stop them. Besides, he must care about his daughter, age 5. On the birthday party of his daughter, the situation escalates... and there is still a dance competition to be hold.
Operation Dance Sensation
After escaping from the terror of Vietnam, Jackson works as a headhunter. His old enemies from Vietnam open up a disco near the American-Iraqi border. They try to sell dangerous weapons to the Iragi government. Jackson is the only one who can stop them. Besides, he must care about his daughter, age 5. On the birthday party of his daughter, the situation escalates... and there is still a dance competition to be hold.
Captain Cosmotic
Director of Photography
4 stupid aliens want to steal the earth' s core. But Captain Cosmotic, the worlds strongest hero, is hard to defeat!!
Captain Cosmotic
Dr. Darm
4 stupid aliens want to steal the earth' s core. But Captain Cosmotic, the worlds strongest hero, is hard to defeat!!
Operation Beauty
Camera Production Assistant
The brother of Zorc plans a revenge campaign against Jackson.
Operation Beauty
The brother of Zorc plans a revenge campaign against Jackson.
Operation Beauty
The brother of Zorc plans a revenge campaign against Jackson.
Clint gets into an endless vortex of blood, guts and terror! SOV German gore!
Comedystreet XXL - Highlights