The musical drama is a sequel to the 2008 blockbuster 'Rock On' that tells the story of four friends and their passion for music. This time around, the film centers around the regional conflict prevailing in the North Eastern states of India.
The musical drama is a sequel to the 2008 blockbuster 'Rock On' that tells the story of four friends and their passion for music. This time around, the film centers around the regional conflict prevailing in the North Eastern states of India.
Tres amigos de toda la vida, deciden montar un negocio dedicado a una de sus mayores pasiones; el Cricket. Para ello pedirán prestado dinero al tío de uno de ellos, quién se presenta candidato a la alcaldía para las elecciones locales. Los tres amigos descubren el talento de un niño en un campo de entrenamiento, y deciden que sea su pupilo para entrenarlo y llevarlo a la liga profesional.
Aditya, Joe, Kedar and Rob form a rock band, but break up after they fail to make a success of it. They establish regular lives until they decide to reunite and take another shot at fulfilling their dreams.