Alejandro Fernández Mouján

Nacimiento : 1952-10-21, Buenos Aires, Argentina


(...) The Same River
What are three years in the life of a river, on its coast, in a corner of South America? The seasons follow one another; time speaks of a Río de la Plata that is always different. The air brings voices from the past and the present; we realize that we are also this river.
The Autumn of the Ceibo Tree
The Ceibo tree, which had played an essential role in Mayan culture, is the protagonist of Alejandro Mouján's short film from 2016, in which the director observes the passing of time, this transitory state that is so precious, and yet goes almost unnoticed. The Ceibo tree, a beautiful natural creation, becomes a symbol, a mirror of ourselves.
Damiana Kryygi
The year is 1896. In the dense jungle of Paraguay a three years old Ache girl survives a slaughter perpetrated by white settlers. The girl is named Damiana by her captors. Anthropologists from the La Plata Museum of Natural Sciences in Argentina take her as an object of scientific interest in the context of their racial studies. Later she is handed over to a family where she grows up as a maid. In 1907, at the age of 14, she is committed to a mental institution. There she is photographed naked just two months before her death from tuberculosis. Once dead her body is studied in La Plata and in Berlin. One hundred years later, an anthropology student identifies part of her remains in the La Plata museum. Her head is found soon after at Charite Hospital in Berlin.
Damiana Kryygi
The year is 1896. In the dense jungle of Paraguay a three years old Ache girl survives a slaughter perpetrated by white settlers. The girl is named Damiana by her captors. Anthropologists from the La Plata Museum of Natural Sciences in Argentina take her as an object of scientific interest in the context of their racial studies. Later she is handed over to a family where she grows up as a maid. In 1907, at the age of 14, she is committed to a mental institution. There she is photographed naked just two months before her death from tuberculosis. Once dead her body is studied in La Plata and in Berlin. One hundred years later, an anthropology student identifies part of her remains in the La Plata museum. Her head is found soon after at Charite Hospital in Berlin.
Damiana Kryygi
The year is 1896. In the dense jungle of Paraguay a three years old Ache girl survives a slaughter perpetrated by white settlers. The girl is named Damiana by her captors. Anthropologists from the La Plata Museum of Natural Sciences in Argentina take her as an object of scientific interest in the context of their racial studies. Later she is handed over to a family where she grows up as a maid. In 1907, at the age of 14, she is committed to a mental institution. There she is photographed naked just two months before her death from tuberculosis. Once dead her body is studied in La Plata and in Berlin. One hundred years later, an anthropology student identifies part of her remains in the La Plata museum. Her head is found soon after at Charite Hospital in Berlin.
Tierra sublevada: oro negro
Director of Photography
"Impure Gold" is a tour around some of the open pit mining with cyanide that corporations have settled in the Argentine northwest San Juan, La Rioja, Catamarca, Tucuman Salta - and the reaction of the surrounding populations from the contamination.
Tierra sublevada: oro impuro
Director of Photography
El documental narra la situación actual de la minería en Argentina, donde el director traza un paralelismo entre la colonización española en América y el saqueo del oro, y las grandes mineras de hoy en día como la Barrick Gold, enfocándose en el daño medioambiental producto de la megaminería, la corrupción, la opinión de los pobladores y proponiendo el uso de una minería sustentable.
Los resistentes
Stories of protagonists of the clandestine struggle called Peronist resistance, between 1955 and 1965. First the bombings of the civilian population of Buenos Aires on June 16 and then the military coup of September 16, 1955, drive workers and people from the people to come out in defense of the Perón government. There the "abnormal, excessive, hallucinatory odyssey of the Resistance" was born, the clandestine struggle against a bloody dictatorship called the "Liberating Revolution" and renamed the "Fusiladora". Today, those same men and women with more than 70 years, remember their struggle, and still vindicate themselves as resistant.
Los resistentes
Stories of protagonists of the clandestine struggle called Peronist resistance, between 1955 and 1965. First the bombings of the civilian population of Buenos Aires on June 16 and then the military coup of September 16, 1955, drive workers and people from the people to come out in defense of the Perón government. There the "abnormal, excessive, hallucinatory odyssey of the Resistance" was born, the clandestine struggle against a bloody dictatorship called the "Liberating Revolution" and renamed the "Fusiladora". Today, those same men and women with more than 70 years, remember their struggle, and still vindicate themselves as resistant.
La próxima estación
Director of Photography
Historia y Reconstrucción de los Ferrocarriles
Pulqui, un instante en la patria de la felicidad
The Pulqui jet was also designed and built in Argentina by 1947. It was the first aircraft of this type to be manufactured in Latin America. The project is the initiative of Juan Domingo Peron, who also wanted an aircraft capable of competing with the Soviets and the Americans. It is thus that the Pulqui has its baptism recognized flight before the MIG -15 and F -86 Sabre, suspiciously similar design to Pulqui. The project was cut short Pulqui the 1955 coup. But in the documentary, the plane Peronist have a second chance from the hand of the artist Daniel Santoro and Michael Biancusso engineer and metallurgist, who reconstructed thus scale to relive an epic Peronist.
Pulqui, un instante en la patria de la felicidad
The Pulqui jet was also designed and built in Argentina by 1947. It was the first aircraft of this type to be manufactured in Latin America. The project is the initiative of Juan Domingo Peron, who also wanted an aircraft capable of competing with the Soviets and the Americans. It is thus that the Pulqui has its baptism recognized flight before the MIG -15 and F -86 Sabre, suspiciously similar design to Pulqui. The project was cut short Pulqui the 1955 coup. But in the documentary, the plane Peronist have a second chance from the hand of the artist Daniel Santoro and Michael Biancusso engineer and metallurgist, who reconstructed thus scale to relive an epic Peronist.
Argentina latente
Director of Photography
Ensayo sobre los grandes recursos con que cuenta Argentina para afrontar su reconstrucción. Emotivos testimonios de técnicos, trabajadores y científicos ponen de manifiesto lo que hubiera podido hacerse y la terrible y dolorosa contradicción que supone que un país potencialmente muy rico y con un avanzado desarrollo científico, no haya podido evitar ni la miseria en la que vive gran parte de la población, ni la fuga de cerebros. (FILMAFFINITY)
Espejo para cuando me pruebe el smoking
On December 20, 2001, a sculptor collects tear gas capsules, shotgun cartridges, rubber bullets, stones thrown by protesters and with them begins the construction of a work.
Espejo para cuando me pruebe el smoking
On December 20, 2001, a sculptor collects tear gas capsules, shotgun cartridges, rubber bullets, stones thrown by protesters and with them begins the construction of a work.
Un chico de campo intenta encontrar su lugar en Buenos Aires. Se va a vivir con su prima a los suburbios y trabaja como parapalos en uno de los últimos bowling de la ciudad.
Memoria del saqueo
Director of Photography
A partir de la instauración de la dictadura militar, el pueblo argentino tuvo que afrontar una de las peores crisis económicas y sociales vividas en un periodo de paz por un país potencialmente próspero. La exorbitante deuda nacional, el inhumano ultraliberalismo, la desenfrenada corrupción política y financiera y el expolio regular de los bienes públicos fueron las principales consecuencias. Y todo ello fue posible gracias al apoyo de las multinacionales occidentales y la complicidad de los organismos internacionales. La política de "tierra quemada", puesta en práctica por Carlos Menem, ha conducido al país a un abismo de hambre, miseria y enfermedad que casi equivale a un genocidio social.
Caminos del Chaco
Documental sobre la región chaqueña enfocado en los puntos de vista de un hombre de origen toba y un conservacionista, sobre la postergación que sufre la población, la tala indiscriminada de árboles, la matanza deportiva de animales y las promesas gubernamentales incumplidas.
Caminos del Chaco
Director of Photography
Documental sobre la región chaqueña enfocado en los puntos de vista de un hombre de origen toba y un conservacionista, sobre la postergación que sufre la población, la tala indiscriminada de árboles, la matanza deportiva de animales y las promesas gubernamentales incumplidas.
Caminos del Chaco
Documental sobre la región chaqueña enfocado en los puntos de vista de un hombre de origen toba y un conservacionista, sobre la postergación que sufre la población, la tala indiscriminada de árboles, la matanza deportiva de animales y las promesas gubernamentales incumplidas.
Caminos del Chaco
Documental sobre la región chaqueña enfocado en los puntos de vista de un hombre de origen toba y un conservacionista, sobre la postergación que sufre la población, la tala indiscriminada de árboles, la matanza deportiva de animales y las promesas gubernamentales incumplidas.
Buenos Aires, crónicas villeras
Director of Photography
Documental realizado a partir de la expulsión forzada de más de 250.000 villeros de la Capital Federal durante la última dictadura militar. Una mirada comprensiva y solidaria al dolor del individuo marginal.
Ricardo Piglia en Alphaville
Ricardo Piglia camina por la ciudad.
Soy un alma sin ley en el mundo
La historia de Ualdino Cáceres, quien trabajó 26 años en el ingenio azucarero Las Palmas, mató a un hombre, fue preso, regresó a su pueblo a vivir a las ruinas del ingenio ya cerrado y abandonado.
El otoño del ceibo
Algo escrito en el agua, palabras en un cuaderno, el río, un ceibo que mira al horizonte y resiste. El tiempo se cuela entre los sonidos y la tenue luz de otoño.