Thomas Ryan


Thomas Ryan is an actor.


Starting Out in the Evening
Leonard Schiller once counted among New York's literary lions, but illness and ten years of writer's block have lowered his profile, almost to the point of obscurity. When Heather Wolfe, an ambitious literature major, asks to interview him for her thesis on his work, her interest forces him to address the issues that he has avoided all these years, and stirs in him feelings he has long forgotten, much to his daughter's consternation.
Diary of a City Priest
Fr. Dave Hagan
David Morse plays Father John McNamee, a catholic priest who accepts a position at an inner-city church. The film begins with Father McNamee as he starts his new job and follows the priest through his struggles in adapting to his new surroundings. Based on a true story
The Relic
Tom Parkinson
Cuando un barco que trae valiosos ejemplares para el Museo de Historia Natural de Chicago llega al puerto, aparece lleno de cadáveres horriblemente mutilados. Una bióloga evolucionista que trabaja en el museo (Penelope Ann Miller) y un teniente de policía (Tom Sizemore) intentarán esclarecer las causas de tan atroces muertes.
Maid for Each Other
Employment Agent
In this hilarious crime caper, a rich woman (Nell Carter) and her maid (Dinah Manoff) happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time -- and now, they're hotfooting it away from vicious mobsters who want to fit them for a couple pairs of cement overshoes. Can they stay free -- and alive -- long enough to gather evidence against the mobsters?
Talent for the Game
Major League Baseball scout must find promising young player to save his job and his team.
Rock-A-Die Baby
Sergeant Carlson
A mother tells her daughter three scary bedtime stories. A small platoon in the jungles of Vietnam encounter a horror other than the war, a group of college friends decide to play a prank on a prudish girl they know from school, and the woman tells her daughter about what happened shortly after she and the girl's father were married.
El rector
Robert Darcy
Rick Latimer es un profesor de instituto que no está atravesando por su mejor momento. Su mujer le ha abandonado y tiene problemas con el alcohol. Por si eso no fuera suficiente, ahora ha sido trasladado para ocupar el puesto de rector en el conflictivo colegio de Brandel High, en el que los estudiantes, la mayoría afroamericanos problemáticos, son verdaderos delincuentes que atemorizan a los profesores. Pero Rick no se dejará amedrentar, contando con la ayuda de Jake Phillips, el guarda de seguridad de la escuela.
The 11th Commandment
Lt. Chernoff
A murderous psycho breaks out of a mental hospital and goes after his rich uncle who killed his father and raped his mother.
Lobos humanos
A un policía de Nueva York se le ha asignado la investigación de una serie de terribles crímenes, aparentemente cometidos por un hombre lobo. Para atrapar al criminal cuenta con la colaboración de un médico forense. Sin embargo, el caso se irá haciendo cada vez más oscuro.
Rivkin: Bounty Hunter
A New York-based bounty hunter who makes a living chasing and capturing bail jumpers matches wits with a heavily-armed drug dealer in this pilot to a prospective series.
Los tiempos difíciles han caído en la casa transilvana de Drácula. Para ayudar a pagar los impuestos, Castle Dracula se ha convertido en el Hotel Transilvania. El mismo Drácula está envejeciendo y sin dientes, siendo cuidado por su nieta Nocturna. Cuando Nocturna reserva un grupo de discoteca para tocar The Claret Room y termina enamorándose de uno de los guitarristas de respaldo, un mortal llamado Jimmy, se da cuenta de que es capaz de ver su reflejo cuando baila, por lo que decide seguir a Jimmy para Nueva York en busca de la mortalidad.