Le mort / militaire
Paul Bougon ignites social media networks and public opinion after his brief participation in a television program. Having become an instant celebrity thanks to his outspokenness, he decides to go into politics and founds his own party. With the help of his devoted entourage and at the head of the PEN (Parti de l’Écœurement National) [National Disgust Party], he wins the elections and becomes Premier. The challenges of his new career place him in front of heartbreaking choices.
Nicki's Dad
Película basada en el anti-héroe de Marvel Frank Castle, también conocido como "El castigador". Continuando su cruzada para castigar a criminales violentos en América, el agente del FBI Frank Castle (Ray Stevenson), llega a Nueva York en busca de un jefe que controla los bajos fondos de la ciudad.
Ami de la fleuriste
Martin is 12 years old and dreams of playing on the neighbourhood baseball team. When he doesn’t make the cut, his father steps in and organizes a B team. Father and son spend a summer full of hope and disappointment, surprises and foul balls.
Italian VIP
En el año 2018, el mundo se encuentra agrupado en seis corporaciones: Energía, Alimentación, Lujo, Vivienda, Comunicación y Transporte. La tranquilidad social es absoluta, pero la gente carece de libertad. Se desahogan con el Rollerball, un violento juego que pone en peligro la vida de los jugadores.