Chris Naunton

Chris Naunton

Nacimiento : 1978-02-23,


Egyptologist, President of the International Association of Egyptologists A British Egyptologist, Naunton is also active as a writer, broadcaster and public speaker. In the last few years he has appeared in around 20 documentary films in the UK and elsewhere, including the ‘Ancient Mysteries’ series. He sees this as a very important part of his role in bringing scholarly research to the wider public.


Chris Naunton


Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle
Uno de los grandes milagros de la Biblia es cuando Dios abre las aguas para que Moisés y los israelitas escapen, pero ¿hay alguna prueba de que eso sucedió realmente?
Egypt's Lost Pyramid
Follows archaeologists working on a 4,000-year-old pyramid containing a burial chamber, still apparently sealed. As light enters the tomb for the first time, the artifacts contained within reveal a gripping detective story as although there are no signs of entry, the contents have been disturbed. To solve the mystery, Egyptologists explore the nearby Black Pyramid to see how pyramid builders used every trick in the book to protect the treasures, discovering a dark and complex labyrinth of dummy tombs, false passages and stone portcullises to fool robbers.
El verdadero Tutankamon
Documental que analiza la historia antigua con métodos del siglo XXI para reconstruir de forma definitiva la figura del faraón Tutankamon. Un análisis que reúne los más recientes descubrimientos de arqueólogos, químicos, geólogos, microbiólogos y egiptólogos.
The Man who Discovered Egypt
Ancient Egypt was vandalised by tomb raiders and treasure hunters until one Victorian adventurer took them on. Most of us have never heard of Flinders Petrie, but this maverick genius underook a scientific survey of the pyramids, discovered the oldest portraits in the world, unearthed Egypt's prehistoric roots - and in the process invented modern field archaeology, giving meaning to a whole civilisation.