José Luis Martínez


Marcus has a checkered past, but unexpected news brings an opportunity for him to right old wrongs and make amends. He will have to face the consequences and overcome the greatest obstacle of all in order to find happiness: himself.
El Caserío
Don Leoncio
Comedia lírica en tres actos. Emitido en directo desde el Teatro de la Zarzuela el 17 de octubre de 2019.
24 horas mintiendo
Comedia musical en dos actos. Un vodevil en el que nadie quiere mostrar quién es por temor a que se sepa lo que no tiene.
Sunka Raku (Alegría Evanescente)
It's a life told in four seasons. It is the orbit of a man who comes close to and steps back from the light, experiencing weather transformations in the garden of the soul. A documentary about the meticulous construction of Japanese tea houses in the Mexican Ajusco, as an excuse to discover a mind that at first glance might seem obsessive and eccentric.