Marian Fernández Pascal
Nacimiento : 1974-01-01, Iruñea, Nafarroa, Euskal Herria
Marian Fernández Pascal (Pamplona, 1974) is a Basque producer, founder of Txintxua Films.
A woman was almost called Avioneta (Small Airplane) at birth. Another had a library in the back seat of her car. Yet another fractures her finger with the rebel shelves of her bookshop. Lectors read to cigar makers while they work. Women remember poems while they iron. And to them all I sing.
On October 4th, 2007 Arantza, the director of the film, was detained and taken to prison. She remembers a few things about those days: endlessly walking around the prison exercise yard, swimming competitions, Rasha's prison journey... After 918 nights locked up, Arantza is set free. From then onwards, she recorded her memories and doubts, which are heard throughout the documentary as a kind of fragmented memoir.
The sculptor Cristina Iglesias has made what is probably the most important work in her career to date, Hondalea. Her intervention in the Lighthouse on San Sebastian's Santa Clara Island. Taking her inspiration from the island's wild nature and the peculiar geology of the Basque coast, the sculpture by Cristina Iglesias transforms the interior of the lighthouse, now restored and converted into a vertiginous sculptural space. The cast-metal geological strata and the water flowing to the rhythm of the waves and the tides will offer the visitor a profound experience. This film looks at the process of building the work.
—You really loved him?
—Yes, I stopped loving him recently. (Interferences. Silences. Fissures. Two women talking. A radio-graphy).
Cuando la lluvia amaina, brota la vida de la tierra. Un fruto crece y se convierte en la manzana que da vida a la sidra. Llega entonces el tiempo de celebrar la cosecha, de brindar y festejar el amor. Una historia sobre el ciclo de la vida y la muerte, de la lucha por la supervivencia. Donde el paso del tiempo viene marcado por el curso de la naturaleza, la música y la danza.
En 1972, en uno de sus artículos más conocidos, Pier Paolo Pasolini hablaba de la desaparición de las luciérnagas. Al cabo de pocos meses lo asesinaron. Desde entonces las luciérnagas siguen desapareciendo. Pero todavía hay gente que las recuerda.
Khalil es un joven desarraigado que vive en la periferia de la ciudad, allí donde los polígonos industriales confluyen con el río y la marisma. Khalil se busca la vida como puede y pasa los días junto a un viejo furtivo, que comparte una casa en la orilla del río con un hermano con el que no se habla desde hace años. En las orillas de la marisma, las mareas marcan el tiempo del amor y el desamor, de la amistad y la venganza.
Plaga: Del lat. plaga 'golpe', 'herida'. Sig. Aparición masiva y repentina de seres vivos de la misma especie que causan graves daños a poblaciones animales o vegetales. Abundancia de algo nocivo.
Production Designer
The neighbourhood of Housewives. The district of Insomniacs. The newsstand of the Unknown Mother. The underground of The Lonely Women. Our walls pay tribute to the people we love.
Una siniestra historia de barcos y naufragios, amor y cine, fantasmas y vampiros. Bram Stoker, autor de «Drácula», su esposa Florence Balcombe y su relación con Oscar Wilde. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau y la acechante sombra del Conde Orlok, el no-muerto, el nosferatu. Un misterioso crucero, una tumba profanada, una emocionante aventura.
Una historia familiar. El conflicto entre lo urbano y lo rural, entre pasado y presente, padres e hijos. Dos formas opuestas de entender la existencia, y una abuela que observa el mundo desde el más elocuente de los silencios.
Arid soil, sun, wind. A procession crosses the landscape. The echoes of their prayers bring the rain.
The story of a pioneer of the engine who dreamt of dragonflies as a child and died living out his dream.
Moritats are old folk songs about crimes and are typical of Central Europe. Zela Trovke is a moritat from Slovakia which the Holland Baroque Society has recovered to include in its Barbaric Beauty programme. Maite Larburu, the orchestra’s violinist, unveils the song's hidden secrets.
Every day, at the same time, Antonio and Santi have a strange conversation. Three women are witness to it.
The employee comes to the factory every day. He is the only person who is qualified to do his particular job. It is precise, mundane, and repetitive work. Every morning he goes through the same drill, starting up each machine. Today, though, he has made a decision...
El "bertsolari" es una especie de juglar que improvisa versos y los canta en euskera. Esta tradición oral ha sabido evolucionar y adaptarse a los tiempos conectando con las generaciones mas jóvenes, llegando a reunir en la final del último campeonato a 14 mil personas. Un arte de estética austera que sorprende en esta época de espectacularidad y efectos especiales.
A shepherd, lost in the city, searches for his flock. His call attracts the attention of some people, who decide to follow him.
The year 1914. The Lasarte racetrack announces a race with a never-before-seen prize for the winning horse. Eight of the best horses and mares in the world have registered. Fans and heavy betters from all the continents gather to participate in the great event: the Half Million Grand Prize.
Sometimes, couple who have children miss Grandma... but only sometimes.
Suddenly, ducks cross the screen.
Production Manager
Los taxistas de la ciudad han recibido un cursillo de amabilidad. Si no das la talla, no llegarás a tu destino.
Some wild pigeons lose their way and take the rest in the wrong direction. Finally, the whole flock, disorientated, dies because of an unsensed flight.
Head of Production
'Sarean' is a short documentary about fishing in the Northern Seas.
An entomologist is taking part in a conference in Kioto. One morning he decides to go and visit a temple instead of going to a symposium. It is an ordinary spring day until Midori appears in front of his video camera.
A lonely fisherman knows what hook to use for each fish. Now he’s looking for a hook for the impossible catch...
A woman steps out of the shower, gets dressed and goes out to the field behind the farmhouse with her son in her arms to hang some sheets out to dry. In the distance, a man is cutting the grass. Suddenly, the child, who was sitting in a basket, gets up and walks off into the grass...
Production Assistant
Grace educa sola a sus hijos en un aislado caserón victoriano bajo estrictas normas religiosas. Los tres nuevos sirvientes deben aprender una regla vital, la casa estará siempre en penumbra y nunca se abrirá una puerta si no se ha cerrado la anterior porque los niños sufren una extraña alergia a la luz del día.
After banishing man from the Garden of Eden, God saw that the poor fellow was so lonely and defenceless that He sent the angel Raziel to look after him.
After banishing man from the Garden of Eden, God saw that the poor fellow was so lonely and defenceless that He sent the angel Raziel to look after him.
After banishing man from the Garden of Eden, God saw that the poor fellow was so lonely and defenceless that He sent the angel Raziel to look after him.