La sœur de Choisel
Jeanne, una joven de clase trabajadora ávida de cultura y placer, utiliza su inteligencia y su atractivo para ascender uno a uno los peldaños de la escala social. Se convierte en la favorita del rey Luis XV, quien desconociendo su condición de cortesana, recupera a través de ella su apetito por la vida. Se enamoran perdidamente. Contra todo decoro y etiqueta, Jeanne se traslada a Versalles, donde su llegada escandaliza a la corte...
During a shamanism session with Marie, Sandra, Ludivine and Gwenaëlle immerse themselves in the emotions of their day.
They are called “Caught in the Headlights,” they are actors. Her name is Laurette, she is a director. It’s a space of freedom that the young woman tries to create, far from Paris, from the agents, from the race for roles. A utopian parenthesis that faces reality. Like every summer, they meet in Gavaudun, her village, surrounded by her family. Twenty days to put on a show, in a location that Laurette keeps a secret. Twenty days to invent, play, question yourself. Before coming back the following year?
Camille, a single mother and home helper, tries as best she can to raise her son Théo, who has severe language problems. Obliged to replace a colleague, she is forced to take care of Mr. Conti, a silent old man.
París. 1885. Eugénie, una mujer joven y apasionada descubre que tiene el poder especial de oír a los muertos. Cuando su familia descubre su secreto, la llevan al hospital Pitié Salpétrière, una clínica neurológica ubicada en París dirigida por el famoso profesor y pionero de la neurología Dr. Charcot, en la que se internan mujeres diagnosticadas de histeria, "locura", egomanía, epilepsia y otros tipos de enfermedades mentales. Su destino se entrelaza con el de Geneviève, una enfermera del hospital a quién la vida se le está pasando de largo. Su encuentro cambiará el futuro de ambas mientras se preparan para el "Bal des folles" que organiza anualmente el doctor Charcot en el hospital... Adaptación de la novela 'El baile de las locas' de Victoria Mas.
Ever since 25-year-old Gabi has lived alone in her caravan on the edge of the forest, a mysterious beast prowls around at night.
Dos amigos ingenuos descubren una mosca gigante en el maletero de un automóvil y deciden domesticarla para ganar dinero con ella.
While working on a construction site, Martin falls from a roof. His right leg and arm in a cast, Martin can not work anymore but his boss refuses to compensate him after the incident. His pregnant wife, Jeanne, decides to solve this situation in her own way.
A busload of tourists in the mountains. After a short pit stop, the group notices someone is missing. With the impossibility of leaving them behind, especially in the harsh environment, the group starts to doubt and becomes impatient. But who has actually disappeared?
Getting away, that's the only thing that's real. For Manue, here there's nothing to hope for, whereas in America everything is possible. On the next pier, a container ship is heading for Massachusetts and they're looking for sailors. Gaffia agrees to hold Manue's hand for the long voyage.
Léa Saskevitch
The Neighbor
Georges tiene 44 años, y su chaqueta es de piel de ciervo. Es más, su cazadora le habla. Y Georges está dispuesto a hacer lo que sea por esta preciada pieza de ropa.
Al final de los años 50, en Châteauroux, Rachel, modesta oficinista, conoce a Philippe, brillante joven proveniente de una familia burguesa. De esta relación breve pero pasional nacerá una niña, Chantal. Philippe se niega a casarse fuera de su clase social. Rachel deberá criar a su hija ella sola. Poco importa, porque para ella Chantal es su mayor alegría, y es por ella que lucha por conseguir que, a falta de ser un padre presente, Philippe le de, al menos, a su hija su apellido. Una batalla que durará más de diez años y que acabará por quebrar las vidas de Rachel y de Chantal.
Christmas Eve. Sophie, an intern in the emergency psych ward on the brink of a burnout, is tasked with admitting Marie, a disturbed patient who was brought to the ward by the police after a crisis. Despite her incoherent ramblings and obvious psychic distress, there is something special about Marie that troubles Sophie. During their conversation, Marie sees straight through Sophie and reveals things to her that lead Sophie to deeply question her relationship with Vincent, her lover. After this Christmas Eve, nothing will ever be like it was before.
Présidente réunion
Despite their differences, Celeste and Sihem quickly become inseparable. The common will to get out of drugs seals their fusional friendship. This will be as much a force as an obstacle when, transferred from the center that welcomes them, they find themselves left to themselves, to the test of the real world and its temptations. They will have to fight to finally live.
The court clerk
Myriam y Antoine Besson se han divorciado, y ella solicita la custodia exclusiva de su hijo Julien para protegerlo de un padre al que acusa de violento, Antoine defiende su caso como un padre despreciado, y la jueza del caso sentencia a favor de la custodia compartida. Rehén del creciente conflicto entre sus padres, el joven Julien se ve empujado al límite.
Nicolas has been dumped by Louisa. He decides to take off his clothes and not leave his ex-girlfriend’s flat in the hope of reconquering her. A joyous comedy that knows no boundary.
París, principios de los años 90. Un grupo de jóvenes activistas intenta generar conciencia sobre el SIDA. Un nuevo miembro del grupo, Nathan, se quedará sorprendido ante la radicalidad y energía de Sean, que gasta su último aliento en la lucha.
In a beach resort swept by winds in the off season, Marie leaves home without her mother's authorization. She crosses paths, by chance, with Karim, who is out walking with his grandpa. Karim immediately identifies what is wrong with Marie's life. He hurts her as much as he loves her by telling her a few home truths, but Marie doesn't lose her cool: if she is one the idiots then it would be better if she left the village. A new wind blows through her life. Both Marie and Karim set sail together
Lola is hitch-hiking on a highway rest area when she meets Karim. He agrees to drive her all the way to Paris. Lola wants to become a film actress. Karim wants to change the course of History. The revolution will happen with or without them.