Aleksey Gravitskiy

Aleksey Gravitskiy

Nacimiento : 1978-12-09,


Aleksey Gravitskiy


Домовенок Кузя
The brownie escapes from the captivity of Baba Yaga in her magical world, and ends up in the apartment of the girl Natasha and her parents. Kuzya needs to find his magic chest that grants wishes. Both Natasha and the local grumpy brownie Nafanya help him in this. It turns out that Kuzya himself gave the chest to Andrey, Natasha's dad, many years ago. It would seem that the goal is already close, but in search of both Kuzya and the chest, Baba Yaga entered our world, and she has her own insidious plans.
Evgeniy Onegin lives in grand style: balls, receptions, theater premieres and other frivolities the capital can offer a young man. But social life has long tired him, so he perceives the news of the illness of his uncle living in the village as an opportunity to escape. However, having reached the estate, Onegin learns about the death of a relative, which, however, does not upset Evgeniy too much. His financial affairs are very sad, and his uncle is rich and has no other heirs. Onegin locks himself in the estate, living in aimless solitude until the owner, who has returned from abroad, appears at the neighboring estate – a young, enthusiastic Vladimir Lenskiy, not yet satiated with life, who introduces Evgeniy to sisters Tatyana and Olga Larin.
Emergency Landing
Damir Yusupov could never have imagined that one day he would be hailed as a hero. As a child he dreamed of flying and was certain that he would follow in the footsteps of his aviator father, but fate seemed to have other plans for him. As years went by, even those closest to him lost hope, but Damir finally managed to make his dream a reality and became an airline pilot. In August 2019 his courage and skill saved 233 lives when he brought his plane down safely in a cornfield after a complete engine failure.
Four stories that the viewer can relate to, all about father’s love. Our relationships with our fathers are very different. However, no matter how our lives work out, for our dads we always stay kids. Different destinies. Different characters. Different relationships. One challenge – be a dad.
The Cursed Official
One of the deputies of a certain city, after the curse of the deprived old woman, becomes physiologically incapable of taking bribes.
The story of several Russian emigrants who moved abroad forever. Despite the complete change of scenery and immersion in another culture, they cannot get rid of their love for their motherland, no matter how hard they try.
Tras un enorme y misterioso accidente, un joven y talentoso arquitecto se despierta en un mundo muy distinto del que recordaba. Pronto descubre que su nueva realidad se basa en las memorias de aquellos que viven en él: gente que en la actualidad están en un coma profundo. La memoria humana es irregular, caótica e inestable, rasgos que comparte con "COMA", una colección de ciudades, glaciares y ríos, todos presentes en la misma habitación. En ella, todas las leyes de la física pueden romperse. El arquitecto debe encontrar la lógica intrínseca que rige COMA mientras pelea por su vida, buscando desesperadamente una salida que le permita regresar al mundo real.
Robo es una increíble historia de amistad entre un niño y un robot. Donde se abre un mundo completamente nuevo para ambos. El niño aprende a ser fuerte y valiente, y el robot, inicialmente desprovisto de sentimientos, comienza a sentir empatía y a experimentar emociones humanas reales.
Sin perdón
Basado en hechos reales y trágicos en la vida de Vitaly Kaloyev, arquitecto y hombre de familia. En 2002, su esposa e hijos mueren en una colisión en el aire junto con otras 70 personas, en su mayoría niños. Vitaly es una de las primeras personas en descubrir los cuerpos de su familia en el lugar del accidente. Se culpa a la empresa responsable de monitorear el espacio aéreo, así como al único controlador de tráfico aéreo que estaba de servicio en ese momento. Dos años más tarde, después de muchos esfuerzos obstruidos para obtener disculpas y respuestas, Vitaly vuela a Suiza para obtener justicia.
Happiness! Health!
Three young couples are getting ready for the weddings and each of them faces different problems.
Basado en el Terremoto de 1988 que azotó al país de Armenia, cuenta la historia de un hombre de familia que tras un viaje al exterior, aterriza en el epicentro de la desastre, encontrando su ciudad natal devastada. Pronto, tendrá que encontrar a su familia. Basado en hechos reales