Helmut Grasser

Helmut Grasser

Nacimiento : 1961-01-01, Klagenfurt, Austria


Helmut Grasser


In this case, Sascha Bergmann from LKA Graz and his colleague Anni Sulmtaler investigate the death of a young woman who is found by the novice Clemens at the foot of a staircase in the monastery library.
Where there are humans, are also ravens and crows. No animal knows us better.
Love Machine 2
Georgy Hillmaier, single again, returns to Vienna after a long stay in Thailand. Completely penniless, without a job or place to stay, he ends up on the street until he learns that he has meanwhile become a father. In order to pay off the overdue alimony, Georgy has to get back into the call boy business in a brothel exclusively for women, run by his sister Gitti.
Styrian Death
Production Runner
Executive Producer
Mind the Gap
The crisis of western democracies is ubiquitous and recovery not on the horizon. Accompanying people from various European countries, the film is on the search for the reasons behind the alarming situation.
Die Wunderübung
Joana and Valentin Dorek are a married couple going through a crisis. This prompts them to take a trial session with a couple’s therapist. In the therapist’s consulting room they start off with their standard programme: she won’t stop talking and he isn’t even listening. The broken communication between the couple is a real challenge for the therapist. He is almost at his wits’ end when his mobile rings and a surprising message brings chaos into their therapy session.
Cold Hell
A young Vienna-based taxi driver of Turkish origin witnesses an extremely brutal murder. The perpetrator, a serial killer, makes eye contact with her; a deadly game of cat-and-mouse ensues.
Bauer Unser
Gruber Is Leaving
John Gruber is in his mid thirties, an egocentric, living life in the fast lane and sparing no expense. But all of a sudden he is thrown off track by a cancer diagnosis and by the person who unwillingly delivers the news: Sarah, a DJane from Berlin, who is not his type at all. Feelings just aren’t Gruber’s cup of tea and now, without having asked for them, he has more than ever before…
Alles Fleisch ist Gras
Roland Mathis dies after falling down the stairs. He was an unsavoury private eye who had been blackmailing Anton Galba and his secret lover about their affair. Galba, who is the director of the local sewage treatment plant in Dornbirn, panics and gets rid of the body by putting it in the grinder. Nathan Weiss, the police officer investigating the case immediately suspects Galba. However, he can also think of a nasty character he would like to get rid of. Galba has no choice but to help him, but for Weiss this is just the beginning: It’s time to eradicate the scum from society.
El valle oscuro
Los Alpes, a finales del siglo XIX. Greider, un misterioso jinete solitario que dice ser fotógrafo, llega a un aislado pueblo maderero, despóticamente gobernado por un clan familiar, pidiendo alojamiento para pasar el invierno.
The Station
Janek es un técnico en una estación de observación del clima en lo alto de los Alpes. Es un lobo solitario, los científicos que regularmente pasan por allí y que comparten el amor por aquel lugar rocoso justo llegan a tolerarlo. Para empeorar aun las cosas, se acerca la visita del ministro de medio ambiente, que trae rivalidades diversas a la estación. Y de repente, todos los implicados se sienten agradecidos cuando su rutina diaria es interrumpida por un extraño descubrimiento. Un líquido rojo que sale de un glaciar cercano que se funde debido al cambio climático. Esta “sangre” del glaciar resulta ser un líquido muy especial, con unos efectos inimaginables en la fauna local. Janek no tardará en tener que defender la estación de una horda en aumento de monstruosidades biológicas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Half a Life
A young woman is found raped and bludgeoned to death. Her father can’t reconcile himself with her death, and even less with the fact that the murderer was never found. Half of his life he continues the search. Finally, after more than 20 years, as DNA-analysis becomes a factor in forensic medicine, new perspectives open.
Morirás en tres días
"Morirás en 3 días"; al principio, Nina Wagner piensa que este mensaje SMS es una broma de mal gusto. Pero entonces Martin, su novio, muere ahogado cruelmente en un lago. Poco después, el asesino vuelve a atacar ferozmente. El pueblo está paralizado por el miedo. El pánico se extiende entre el grupo de amigos. Todos están en lista del asesino. Pero ¿Por qué? Nina es la única que descubre una pista que conduce a la identidad del brutal asesino, nadie quiere creerla, pero el tiempo se acaba...
Nosotros alimentamos al mundo
Documental sobre los alimentos y la globalización, sobre los pescadores y los agricultores, sobre los camioneros de larga distancia y los ejecutivos de grandes compañías, sobre la circulación de los alimentos, una película sobre la escasez dentro de la abundancia. Ofrece una visión del proceso de producción de nuestra comida a la vez que responde a la pregunta de qué tiene que ver con todos nosotros el hambre en el mundo.
La sombra de la espada
Durante el periodo de la Inquisición, en el siglo XVI, en Europa, dos amigos de la infancia se encuentran siguiendo caminos muy distintos. Huérfanos criados en un monasterio, Georg decide seguir la vida religiosa y Martin elige el ejército. Tras 15 años luchando en guerras, Martin vuelve a su país, donde su amigo eclesiástico ocupa ahora un prestigioso cargo. Martin se enamora y se casa con la hija de un decapitador. Por una casualidad del destino y en contra de su voluntad, el soldado acaba teniendo que asumir el puesto de verdugo, trabajo marginado por la sociedad pero que, sin embargo, él ejerce con eficiencia. Mientras que Igreja, poderosa e intransigente, dicta las leyes y encubre los graves desvíos de conducta de sus miembros, Martin y Georg se van distanciando. En poco tiempo, ambos se encontrarán en lados opuestos y se darán cuenta de que se han vuelto enemigos mortales. (FILMAFFINITY)
They've Got Knut
Set in the early '80s, a time when a new wave of leftist political consciousness and activism had swept German youth (and was just about to disappear as quickly as it arrived), this satiric comedy follows a young couple, Ingo (Hans-Jochen Wagner) and Nadja (Valerie Koch), as they travel to Austria for a weekend of skiing near her parent's luxurious chalet. While Ingo and Nadja have an open relationship, he thinks its time that they commit to one another exclusively, and is hoping this weekend will convince her this is a good idea. However, their privacy is interrupted when several guests arrive -- friends of Nadja's brother Knut (Ingo Haeb), a noted political activist, who, unbeknownst to her, has also planned a ski weekend. As the guests await Knut's arrival, they get the unpleasant news that he's been arrested during a demonstration; several propose that they should come to his aid, while the majority decide instead to go skiing as a way to pay tribute to his commitment to the cause.
Lena is homeless. She couldn't get a foothold in the big city, she hasn't been at home in the country for a long time and she only knows the big, wide world, which she allegedly traveled as a waitress on a cruise ship, from hearsay. Her grandfather's funeral is now both an occasion and an excuse for her to return to the village in the hope of finding her place in life here after all.
Días perros
El término Hundstage es como llaman en Austria a la época más cálida del año. La historia sigue a varios personajes de una zona residencial de Viena a lo largo de dos días de calor: un jubilado y una señora que se ocupa de su casa, una joven y su novio, que es muy temperamental y está obsesionado con su coche, una profesora que tiene una relación sadomasoquista con su compañero, un amante de la cerveza muy parlanchín, una pareja separada que sigue viviendo bajo el mismo techo y, por último, Anna, una maniaca del auto stop que se suele cruzar en el camino del Señor Hruby, un especialista en sistemas de alarma que tiene que salir de un oscuro asunto de vandalismo.
The Praying Mantis
Trixi Jancik leads a risky double life. At home, she is an obedient housewife. But when she puts on a disguise and goes to the racetrack to indulge in her secret passion, she catches a glimpse of a better life. Although she blows her grocery money, she has tasted the kind of luxury she can normally only dream about. A minor squabble at home brings the situation to a head and marks a turning point in her life: Trixi fixes her husband a lethal cocktail of pills.
Der Überfall
Looking around for a suitable place to hold up, Andreas stumbles into a tailor's shop. What was supposed to last only a few minutes ends up being a bizarre afternoon for three men: the tragicomic of the less-than-expert robber, the cranky tailor and a customer - a know-it-all who drives the other two crazy. The mood constantly shifts, and the tables keep turning among the threesome. A black comedy with a twist.
Suzie Washington
Nana Iaschwili, a teacher from East Europe, wants to emigrate to America to start a new life. After landing in Vienna, the authorities notice her falsified visa and arrest her. Nana, threatened with deportation, would prefer anything except being sent back and escapes. She must keep on the move constantly. The police are hot on her trail. Together with other illegal aliens, Nana, alias "Suzie Washington", flees to the so-called "green border", the no-man's-land between East and West. The police, cows and lonely men keep getting in her way.
Drei Herren
Dölken, Ivo and Sichel, three amiable and harmless inmates of a mental asylum are off to spend the summer in an open institution in the country. The trip they have been looking forward to for so long ends abruptly when the driver of their bus suffers a heart attack. The three men quite naturally assume that they have reached their destination and find somewhere to stay in the nearest village.
Drei Herren
Dölken, Ivo and Sichel, three amiable and harmless inmates of a mental asylum are off to spend the summer in an open institution in the country. The trip they have been looking forward to for so long ends abruptly when the driver of their bus suffers a heart attack. The three men quite naturally assume that they have reached their destination and find somewhere to stay in the nearest village.
Stille Wasser
Wenn der Berg ruft
Every year over a million tourists drive up the Grossglockner road, a major feat of engineering high up in the Alps, in order to gaze in amazement at the contrast between nature and technology, a fact that causes no less amazement to the people who live there. This documentary takes a look behind the picture-book facade of the mountain scenery around the alpine village of Heiligenblut, showing the encounter between the tourists and the people who keep the place going underneath all the holiday euphoria.
Wenn der Berg ruft
Every year over a million tourists drive up the Grossglockner road, a major feat of engineering high up in the Alps, in order to gaze in amazement at the contrast between nature and technology, a fact that causes no less amazement to the people who live there. This documentary takes a look behind the picture-book facade of the mountain scenery around the alpine village of Heiligenblut, showing the encounter between the tourists and the people who keep the place going underneath all the holiday euphoria.
Die Insel
The Danube island in Vienna where life cannot be hidden away in the private home, where it is lived in the open for all to see. This is where many spend their "second real life", which begins after the workday.
Im Namen Gottes
Lower Austria, Vienna. Time frame: from 1961 to the present. The family: 19 children born between 1961 and 1989. The father: a deeply religious man. His wife and children: possessions.
Thomas, a student drop-out, keeps his head above water with a life of petty crime. Passing himself off once again as a ticket inspector on a tram to extract money from fare-dodgers, he is confronted by Erich, a genuine inspector, or so it seems... However, Erich won his inspector's identity badge at cards. The two begin to meet regularly. Thomas doesn't realise until too late that he is to play a major role in Erich's long-planned coup. The well thought out plan succeeds. Unfortunately, however, Erich has failed to consider how he can convert his booty - a lorry load of valuable carpets - into hard cash. Their problems are just beginning...
Thomas, a student drop-out, keeps his head above water with a life of petty crime. Passing himself off once again as a ticket inspector on a tram to extract money from fare-dodgers, he is confronted by Erich, a genuine inspector, or so it seems... However, Erich won his inspector's identity badge at cards. The two begin to meet regularly. Thomas doesn't realise until too late that he is to play a major role in Erich's long-planned coup. The well thought out plan succeeds. Unfortunately, however, Erich has failed to consider how he can convert his booty - a lorry load of valuable carpets - into hard cash. Their problems are just beginning...
The inside of a Viennese section of the Austrian Socialist Party (SPÖ). The number of members has gone down, but otherwise everything is still the same. The group of indefatigable comrades and their new district representative, Brigitte Ederer, are accompanied in their groundwork; at the weekly section meetings, in their work in the district parliamentary party, at outdoor festivals, pensioners' parties and children's discos, collecting contributions door to door, during arduous confrontation with the inhabitants of the locality, and, not least, at the district elections. The election result of 9th October 1994 was a disaster for the party.
Daily traffic jams on the South-East Express-Way, the most travelled road in Europe, reflection of a society dependent on cars. The jam makes many things visible for the first time; people showing their true faces in out-of-the ordinary situations.
Half the World
The sun blazes down from the sky with destructive power; exposing oneself to its light means death. People have transposed everyday existence to the night. In the metropolis of HALF WORLD a culture based on various languages and lifeforms has grown rampant. Everyone is looking for a way to survive.
The Election Campaigners
THE ELECTION CAMPAIGNERS tries to analyse the phenomenon of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). The party’s great success is generally regarded as a result of its leader’s demonic charisma. But this film doesn’t focus on Jörg Haider. Instead it gives a face to the people who make Haider’s election victories possible, taking a clear stance, yet refraining from commentary or judgement. It is up to the viewers to draw their own conclusions.
The Election Campaigners
THE ELECTION CAMPAIGNERS tries to analyse the phenomenon of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). The party’s great success is generally regarded as a result of its leader’s demonic charisma. But this film doesn’t focus on Jörg Haider. Instead it gives a face to the people who make Haider’s election victories possible, taking a clear stance, yet refraining from commentary or judgement. It is up to the viewers to draw their own conclusions.
The Election Campaigners
THE ELECTION CAMPAIGNERS tries to analyse the phenomenon of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). The party’s great success is generally regarded as a result of its leader’s demonic charisma. But this film doesn’t focus on Jörg Haider. Instead it gives a face to the people who make Haider’s election victories possible, taking a clear stance, yet refraining from commentary or judgement. It is up to the viewers to draw their own conclusions.
Malli - Artist in Residence
In the beginning was the rhythm, then came the melody, or vice versa. At least this is the case in Vienna, where, in the quarter of Alt-Erlaa, one of the most multi-facetted musicians of the free jazz scene, Walter Malli, has his home.
The Neighbour
Production Manager
Set in an old suburb of Vienna traversed by the local railway line and full of old dilapidated houses. In this district, and old man lives and when his neighbour dies and new tenants move in his existence is transformed.
The Neighbour
Set in an old suburb of Vienna traversed by the local railway line and full of old dilapidated houses. In this district, and old man lives and when his neighbour dies and new tenants move in his existence is transformed.
Männer wissen warum
Three young soldiers in a car have twelve hours to spare and only one thing on their minds: WOMEN. They are accompanied on their journey by the music of Freddy Quinn: "Destiny strikes aimlessly; today it's you, tomorrow me".
Erwin und Julia
Executive Producer
Two apartments are joined together, the demolition of a wall transfers two small flats into a big one. Seven young people move in and share the living quarters. They all have definite ideas about life and living together and want to make them come true. But they don´t really know what they want. Everyday life causes problems and when a merry-go-round of changing relationships among the young people begins to run quicker and quicker, the constant moving from one room to the other ands before the eyes of the astonished house superintendent with the setting up again of the wall which separated the two walls.