Dino Šarija


So She Doesn't Live
Bosnian province, today. Aida has broken off a relationship with the abusive Kerim and wants to go on in her life. But ties are stronger than she thinks and mundane everyday life draws her deeper into darkness. Inspired by true events.
Focus, Grandma
April 1992. Members of a large family strewn around the former Yugoslavia gather around the death bed of their elderly matriarch. She is not well, but the forecast of a family doctor that her death is a matter of minutes away proves incorrect, so the waiting stretches out for days. Relatives start bickering, playing tricks and arguing over the inheritance to be left by the old woman, especially over her large family house in Sarajevo. Despite her deteriorating health, Grandma happily joins the fray. It appears as if that might be what is keeping her alive. Family feuds and intrigues directed against one of the sisters are more important to the family than the clear, terrifying signs of an approaching cataclysm. When the scheming is finally revealed, it is too late. A war has begun in Sarajevo.
Jugoslavenski putnik kroz vrijeme / Yugoslav time traveler
Three friends are hanging out on the roof in Sarajevo. Their hangout is interrupted by the Yugoslavian time traveler who explains them that they are in danger and need to use the time machine to go back to Yugoslavia and warn people that the future generations messed up. They travel back in time to find themselves not in Yugoslavia, but in Iran. Clash of the cultures is evident, and they are forced to hide their identity. But the more they discover the city, the more they realize it is scarily similar to their own.
Hotel Europa
En el hotel Europa, uno de los más grandes de Sarajevo, van a recibir a una delegación de diplomáticos europeos para conmemorar el centenario del atentado que inició la Primera Guerra Mundial. En las cocinas se prepara una huelga de los trabajadores, que llevan dos meses sin cobrar. Mientras tanto, una periodista filma un programa de televisión en la azotea y un hombre, que podría formar parte (o no) de la delegación, ensaya un discurso en su habitación.