Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay

Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay


Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay
Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay


A web series of fiction in six episodes of ten minutes each featuring Nichole. Originally from the Saguenay region, now established in Montreal, the self-proclaimed “rising star” is looking for fame and recognition in an attempt to break into the international music scene. Through a documentary project, over the course of one week, a small TV crew gets a glimpse into the singer’s daily life filled with devotion, hard work, courage and ingenuity. As a result, Nichole brings us to meet the valiant people who surround and support the artist’s dream : becoming an icon.
Ensayo para una revolución
Klas Batalo, Giutizia, Ordine Nuovo y Tumulto son cuatro quebequenses de veintitantos años que han rechazado el mundo en el que viven. Incentivados por la apatía de la sociedad y movidos por los eventos del Maple Spring, el cuarteto inicia varias acciones que les acercan de forma cada vez más peligrosa al terrorismo.