The Process is a tricky business. It reveals how psychodrama, long recognized as a valuable tool in therapy, can help people deal with addictions and the effects of dysfunctional family life. The tricky part is that the slick way in which it has been assembled and compressed to fit a 70-minute running time makes the treatment seem easier than surely it must be. We are told upfront that the film, unscripted and unrehearsed, will gather nine people, led by psychodrama expert Dr. Tian Dayton, who will be trying to put their lives together over a series of group therapy sessions.
The Process is a tricky business. It reveals how psychodrama, long recognized as a valuable tool in therapy, can help people deal with addictions and the effects of dysfunctional family life. The tricky part is that the slick way in which it has been assembled and compressed to fit a 70-minute running time makes the treatment seem easier than surely it must be. We are told upfront that the film, unscripted and unrehearsed, will gather nine people, led by psychodrama expert Dr. Tian Dayton, who will be trying to put their lives together over a series of group therapy sessions.
La policía romulana obtiene ADN del Capitán Picard y fabrican un clon, llamado Shinzon, con la finalidad de introducirlo en la Federación, pero ese plan queda en nada y envían al clon a las minas de dilitio de Remo, el planeta hermano de Rómulo, la capital del Imperio Romulano. Shinzon organiza un golpe de estado gracias a las fuerzas Remanas y su imbatible nave erigiéndose nuevo Pretor Romulano.
Mercedes es una joven de Brooklyn que quiere ser actriz pero, para ganarse la vida, se dedica a bailar en un club nocturno de Los Angeles. Una noche conoce a un inmigrante mexicano, Ernesto, que queda prendado de ella. El joven se va a mezclar con un capo de barrio con tal de ayudar a su querida Mercedes.