Jonathan Horvath


Ask for Jane
Interviewee #1
A group of college students develop an underground network that helps women get abortions in the pre-Roe vs. Wade Chicago.
Antes del otoño
George Wickham
Ben Bennet es un abogado próspero pero aparentemente arrogante que, sin saberlo, insulta a Lee Darcy, un trabajador de una fábrica independiente acusado erróneamente de abuso doméstico. Ambos se disgustan el uno por el otro, lo que se convierte en un problema cuando Ben se enamora de Lee.
Tomorrow Comes Today
A Chinese food delivery boy is looking for his mother in New York City. And the picture he carries as his mother is actually a picture of Marlene Dietrich. It’s a black comedy about living in between cultures and how an individual finding a masculine identity in such environment.