Bastian Pastewka
Nacimiento : 1972-04-04, Bochum, Germany
Al Capone
Hugo (voice)
They couldn't be more different, the members of the trio that allies in the fight against an Ancient Ice Ghost (AIG): Tom, an easily scared boy, Hetty, a professional ghosthunter and the loveable, but pretty slimy Hugo - a ghost. Will the team manage to save their town from the next ice age?
Martin, le jars (Voix)
Tristan Fromm
Adult dreamer Tristan still lives under his mother's thumb. After she has a health scare, he realizes how much he wants her gone... permanently.
Wolfgang Funzfichler
Inspirada en el libro "La conferencia de los animales", del escritor Erich Kästner, cuenta cómo los animales, hartos de que los humanos les quiten el agua para sus intereses comerciales, se reúnen para poner fin a esta situación. Un grupo de animales en espera de la inundación anual que dependen para su alimento y agua a descubrir que los seres humanos, que han estado destruyendo sus hábitats han construido una presa para un complejo de ocio.
Baron Münchhausen
La impecable reputación del agente neoyorquino del FBI Jerry Cotton está en entredicho: está acusado de un doble asesinato. ¿Disparó Jerry a Sammy Serrano para vengarse de él al no poder aportar ninguna prueba de su culpabilidad en el robo a la reserva de oro de la Unión? ¿Mató a su compañero Ted Conroy para librarse del único testigo de su crimen? En una carrera contrarreloj, Jerry tiene que escapar de su propia gente, dar con el gangster Klaus Schmidt y su banda y averiguar quién cometió realmente los crímenes con la única ayuda de su Jaguar E-Type rojo, su Smith & Wesson 38 y, de entre todas las personas posibles, su nuevo compañero Phil Decker. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hund (voice)
A man had a donkey that had carried the sacks to the mill for many years, but whose strength was now coming to an end, so that he became increasingly unfit for work.
Wolfgang Funzfichler / Various
Glöckle Mann
The comedy about men and their struggles in life and love.
About sweeping love, rock & roll and getting rid of all that stale air of the fifties. You've got the good guys - that's Lulu and Jimi - and the bad guys: Lulu's mother Gertrud, her secret lover Schultz, the chauffeur, and a wicked old shrink, Von Oppeln, crouching in his gloomy office like a spider waiting to pounce on his prey Lulu. Light and darkness, bright garish colours, hot rock & roll and wild dance numbers mark this road movie about lovers fleeing from the evil powers of a deeply bigoted society.
A drama about the relationship between a young black man and a rich German girl.
Hilmar Kess
Wolfgang Funzfichler / Various
The celebration of Joachim 'Blacky' Fuchsberger's 80th birthday. A biographical documentary.
Inspector Very Long/ Rose Salesman / Very Long's Father
Scotland Yard investigators have to prevent the murder of Victoria Dickman when her name is found on a death list.
Scotland Yard investigators have to prevent the murder of Victoria Dickman when her name is found on a death list.
Funktionär von Hase
In 1952, four passionate bobsledders - Gamser, Franzl, Gustl and Leusl Peter prepare for the Winter Olympics in Oslo. There, the veteran Bavarian Gamser wants to finally put his archrival Dorfler in his place and show him his class. While the two men constantly get into your hair, the women Rosi and Anna try to calm things down. In Oslo, there is finally a big showdown, which will take place not only on a bobsled.
Marriage or not, that is the basic question! For Felix is marriage more like a game of roulette, but his wife Pola don't agree with him and wants a divorce. But getting the divorce isn't that easy.
Nalle (voice)
En esta ocasión, el osito polar Lars viaja a las Islas Galápagos junto a sus amigos de siempre, como Robby y Caruso el pingüino. En este paraíso tropical conocen a muchos exóticos y divertidos animales como pájaros, cangrejos y tortugas. Pero unos científicos intentan atrapar a un nuevo y misterioso amigo de Lars, por lo que nuestro intrépido osito necesitará la ayuda de todos sus amigos para hacer fracasar el plan de los científicos...
A mysterious serial killer is shocking the underworld. Scotland Yard is investigating the case. Clues lead the detectives to Blackwhite Castle.
Inspector Very Long
A mysterious serial killer is shocking the underworld. Scotland Yard is investigating the case. Clues lead the detectives to Blackwhite Castle.
Thomas Hamann
Paul Bommel / Urlauber