Nathan Delannoy


La plus belle pour aller danser
Marie-Luce Bison, 14 years old, is raised by her father in a cheerful boarding house for seniors where he is the director. It is soon the costume party of her new college: her father does not want her to go ... and anyway, she is not invited. But pushed by Albert, her 80-year-old best friend, Marie-Luce crashes the party, dressed as a man. That evening, everyone takes her for a boy... a boy who is looked at and who pleases. She then decides to invent a male double named Leo to finally live her teenage life. Of course, at home, the relationship with her father becomes complicated.
Mami Wata
When Zinwe visits her late grandmother's village - a small rural fish village - she must confront her true spiritual destiny, and save her people from the hands of the ruthless and violent Sergeant Jasper, to usher in a new age of blessing and prosperity.
Gare au Fenwick
Alan, a withdrawn and solitary young man, usually finds solace in his inner world. Today is the big day: he’s leaving the family home to enter working life.
The Criminals
Late at night in a small Turkish town, a young couple tries to find a hotel room to spend the night together. They are rejected from all hotels for not having a marriage certificate. Once they believe they’ve found a trick to use, the situation gets out of hand.
La brigada de la cocina
Cathy es una estricta chef de 40 años. Cuando está a punto de cumplir su sueño de abrir su propio restaurante gourmet, un revés hace que nada salga como había planeado. Con serias dificultades económicas a sus espaldas, Cathy acepta con reticencia un trabajo en la cafetería de un centro para jóvenes inmigrantes. Poco a poco, las habilidades de Cathy y su pasión por la cocina comienzan a cambiar la vida de los chicos, que también tienen mucho que enseñarle a ella.
Tijuana Bible
Holed up in Tijuana on a path to self-destruction, an Iraq veteran seeks deliverance by helping a young Mexican woman navigate the underworld in a quest for her long-lost brother.
Sabine y Natache tienen 22 años. Ambas viven muy unidas en su zona de confort. Pero un día a Natacha le surge una oportunidad: irse y abandonar a Sabine. La traición no será una buena idea.
Las invisibles
Uno de los centros sociales más populares de Francia está a punto de cerrar, debido a recortes presupuestarios llevados a cabo por el ayuntamiento. Las responsables del mismo, que han cogido afecto a todas aquellas mujeres que se encuentran sin hogar y sin trabajo, tienen tan solo tres meses para conseguir que todas ellas se reintegren en la sociedad. La tarea no será sencilla: tan solo un 4% de este grupo es el que lo suele conseguir. Sin embargo, gracias al aplomo y entrega de las encargadas, ningún objetivo es imposible.
Carole Matthieu
Médico laboral en una empresa con técnicas directivas asfixiantes, Carole Matthieu intenta, en vano, alertar a sus superiores jerárquicos de las consecuencias de dichas prácticas sobre los empleados. Cuando uno de ellos le suplica que le ayude a suicidarse, Carole se da cuenta de cual puede que sea la única forma de forzar a los directivos a cambiar sus métodos.
The Madness Among Us
Leonor and Elizangela do not appear crazy at first sight in the way that society often imagines. They are victims of violent and uncontrollable seizure, which sometimes result even during filming in forcible confinement. The rest of the time they are endowed with sensitivity and clarity about their condition, which offers anyone who will listen to them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with what madness is, through their words, and also through their tragic and touching destinies.
To fight against the introduction of automatic checkouts that threaten their jobs, staff members at Hard Discounts secretly create their own "Alternative Discount" outlet by salvaging products that would otherwise have been wasted.
La Classe américaine
The story of the successful publicity campaign that made it possible for the French film The Artist (2011) to win five Academy Awards: an intimate look at what happens when a silent, black-and-white French film astounds Hollywood.
La Classe américaine
The story of the successful publicity campaign that made it possible for the French film The Artist (2011) to win five Academy Awards: an intimate look at what happens when a silent, black-and-white French film astounds Hollywood.