This documentary follows Phillip Noyce as he tries to find three aboriginal girls able to act in his film Rabbit Proof Fence. The film sees a cast of 100's whittled down to the eventual three girls and follows them through workshops and into the difficult shoot.
A nanny is hired by a troubled mother and finds herself fighting to hold together the entire family when she realizes the woman has an imaginary daughter.
After her picture perfect husband is murdered in a prostitute's apartment, Beverly Hills homemaker Catherine is devastated. But she doesn't spend too long mourning, because she's soon on a mission to put her husband's killer behind bars. To do so, she forms an unlikely partnership with Marla, the Hollywood hooker who serviced the deceased. Under Marla's guidance, the pair navigate the seedier side of Los Angeles to put this mystery to rest.
Un famoso periodista televisivo es convecido por la CIA de que varios de sus mejores amigos, a los que ha invitado ese fin de semana a su casa, pueden ser agentes soviéticos. Aunque con reticiencias, el hombre se prestará entonces a colaborar con el servicio secreto americano para intentar desenmasacararlos.
Chuch Lumley (Henry Winkler) entra a trabajar en el turno de noche de un depósito de cadáveres de Nueva York, pensando que al menos tendrá un poco de tranquilidad, pero no se imagina lo que le espera. Su compañero Bill Blazejowski (Michael Keaton), un charlatán con una personalidad arrolladora y una facilidad pasmosa para inventar mil formas de hacerse rico, lo convence para que conviertan el depósito en un improvisado burdel. Una prostituta llamada Belinda Keaton (Shelley Long) será pieza fundamental de su peculiar negocio.
A white female detective is partnered with a black male detective to find the person who is committing a series of particularly vicious murders. During the course of the investigation the two begin to develop an attraction to each other, but the situation is complicated by the fact that he is married.