Manuel Raposo


Mario El Mago
Young girl from the Dominican slums, parents drug addicts; she dreams about living somewhere else. She becomes the leader of a criminal gang; bullied for being a woman they consider transgender; Mario, a drug dealer, tries to force her to work for him. When he wins her confidence, leaves her pregnant and steals her loot, things change very quickly for Rafaela. Betrayed, she'll do whatever it takes to get revenge, avoid the police and get away before her baby is born.
Dámaso Mercado
Story of Porfirio Rubirosa, the Dominican playboy and suspected spy.
Julián encuentra una razón para vivir en el último lugar que imaginaba: la cárcel de Najayo. Su romance con la interna Yanelly, debe desarrollarse por un lenguaje de señas creado por los internos de cada centro: el carpinteo que va desde una ventana de Najayo Hombres al patio de Najayo Mujeres. Julián debe mantener la relación escondida de Manaury, un hombre muy peligroso que también “carpintea” con Yanelly.
Código Paz
Pedro Ruiz is a Dominican real estate broker by day and a savvy but out-of-luck thief by night. Desperate to look for respect climbing the money ladder the easy way, he gets in the wrong mansion at the wrong time.