Steve Achiepo

Steve Achiepo


Steve Achiepo


Le Marchand de Sable
Marked by years of prison, Djo, a parcel delivery man in the Paris suburbs, lives modestly with his mother and daughter. One day, an aunt who has just fled the Ivorian conflict arrives at their home with her three children. In a hurry, Djo manages to find them a place to live. But faced with the growing demand and with the prospect of offering a decent life to his daughter, Djo switches and becomes a sleep merchant.
Le Marchand de Sable
Marked by years of prison, Djo, a parcel delivery man in the Paris suburbs, lives modestly with his mother and daughter. One day, an aunt who has just fled the Ivorian conflict arrives at their home with her three children. In a hurry, Djo manages to find them a place to live. But faced with the growing demand and with the prospect of offering a decent life to his daughter, Djo switches and becomes a sleep merchant.
Ante la sospecha
Mademba Boyoute
Alice vive una vida normal y feliz como madre, hasta que todo su mundo se da vuelta: Thomas, el hombre de su vida y padre de su hijo, es sospechoso de ser Antoine Durieux-Jelosse, el infame asesino que desapareció hace quince años. después de asesinar a toda su familia. Han pasado años, pero la jefa de policía Sophie Lancelle nunca ha renunciado a su incesante búsqueda del hombre que cometió ese crimen impensable. Está decidida a demostrar, pase lo que pase, que Thomas es ese hombre perdido en la lista de buscados de todos. Atrapado en la oleada de dudas y sospechas, en el fuego cruzado entre dos mujeres opuestas en todo sentido, todo lo que Thomas puede hacer es alegar su inocencia. Pero, ¿es realmente un hombre inocente presunto culpable o es al revés? ¿Quién miente y quién dice la verdad?
Le jour de ton jour
Scenario Writer
Blaise is 10 years old. Blaise is in love. Blaise likes to eat. Blaise is going to die. In any case, that's what he believes.
Le jour de ton jour
Blaise is 10 years old. Blaise is in love. Blaise likes to eat. Blaise is going to die. In any case, that's what he believes.
Everything Now
Youssouf Fofana
This gripping and wrenching thriller tells the story of Ilan Halimi who was kidnapped for ransom in a Paris suburb. His captors, who dub themselves The Gang of Barbarians, operate under the assumption that his Jewish heritage means he is worth a lot of money. Taking the audience through the harrowing experience of the Halimi family and sharing a searing insight into Ilan's vicious ordeal, the story tracks the massive but futile investigation doomed by near-misses and tragedy that triggered a national outcry. For 24 days the police, insistent upon handling the case as a normal for-ransom kidnapping, failed to recognize the anti-Semitic overtones of the abduction. Faithfully reenacting events from the view of the various characters, Tout, tout de suite raises troubling questions about the state of anti-Semitism and race relations in contemporary France.
Where It Sprang From
Drey is nineteen and a student in Paris. After a six months absence, she comes home to her housing estate in the countryside, her friends, her family and her boyfriend. But what was supposed to be a pleasant visit slowly turns into a confrontation.
Where It Sprang From
Drey is nineteen and a student in Paris. After a six months absence, she comes home to her housing estate in the countryside, her friends, her family and her boyfriend. But what was supposed to be a pleasant visit slowly turns into a confrontation.
I'm Coming
Driss, a 19-year-old black man, acts in a porn film for the first time. Encouraged by the film director, Driss rapes Joana, his partner in the film. After the shoot, he decides to follow the young woman through the streets of Paris.
Haut les pulls
A young actress tries out for a film on a sequence that was not planned.