Dick Hamilton


Hello, Dolly!
Makeup Artist
Cornelius Hackl, dependiente de una tienda de alimentación de Yonkers, marcha a Nueva York con su mejor amigo para pasar un buen rato. Allí no pueden evitar cruzarse con su jefe Horace, que les promete darles una reprimenda si los ve en un restaurante de moda en lugar de estar atendiendo la tienda. A través de Horace, comerciante viudo, conocemos a Dolly Levi, una casamentera de mediana edad -también viuda- que está intentando buscarle una nueva mujer.
The Boy and the Pirates
Makeup Artist
Jimmy desires to be a pirate when one day he discovers a magic bottle on the beach. He makes a wish and suddenly finds himself aboard Blackbeard's ship. Soon he realizes that being a pirate isn't what he expected.
The 3rd Voice
Makeup Artist
Marian Forbes has been having an affair with her boss and when he drops her for another woman. In an act of jealousy and greed she convinces an acquaintance to murder her former lover and then impersonate him just long enough to get their hands on a large sum of money.