Jean-Loup Horwitz

Jean-Loup Horwitz


Jean-Loup Horwitz


El malvado zorro feroz
Le Père Noël (French Voice)
Un zorro que es incapaz de asustar a nadie y de cazar nada, no tiene otra ocurrencia que robar -de una granja muy peculiar-unos huevos de gallina para, tras incubarlos y criar a los pollitos…, comérselos. Pero al nacer, los pollitos creen que el zorro es su madre y este se encariña de ellos lo que complicará las cosas a este zorro que, ni es malvado ni feroz. En esa divertida granja también encontraremos a un conejo que actúa como una cigüeña bajo la dirección de un pato loco.
The Prince and the 108 Demons
Empire of China. 12th century. The King Demons terrorize the land. To defeat these monsters, one needs the courage of a hundred tigers, the strength of a thousand buffalo, the cunning of as many snakes... and have the luck of the devil. All young Prince Duan has are fanciful illusions and stoutness. All Zhang-the-Perfect has is his monk's staff and a bunch of incomprehensible proverbs. All the little beggar Pei Pei has is the gift of the gab and a large appetite. But, most of all, Prince Duan, the old monk and the little beggar girl didn't know that it is impossible to defeat the King Demons. So they did it!
Bonté Divine
le barbier
In the 17th century, under Louis XIII, the policy of Cardinal de Richelieu aimed at the definitive establishment of a monarchic power, and gave rise to a struggle against the great feudal lords, who favored a weak central power. Numerous conspiracies against the Cardinal were led by the high nobility. The one led by Henri Coiffier de Ruzé d'Effiat, marquis de Cinq-Mars, was the last and most famous of them.