Based on author's childhood memories of the devastating 1988 Spitak earthquake. The father and his two young kids are left without a home and above all, the disaster had claimed the life of their beloved mother and wife. After painful quest to find her body and give her a proper burial, by the new year's eve the family is settled in a makeshift home near the wreckage of their home. While his daughter and son are still playing and merging the disaster into their games, the father for the sake of his children struggles to find strength and heart to live on.
Young prostitute meets an artist, gets invited to a modeling session and finds herself in rather new and exciting world of artists; then the day ends and she has to return to her usual place in life.
The Priestess
In 301 A.D. Gregory the Illuminator healed the one-time Pagan King Tiridates the Great and christened the Armenian people, thus making Armenia the first Christian nation in the world. This is the story about a woman who changed the faith of her nation forever.
Zine (as Rouzanna-Vite Mesropian)
Nos encontramos en las aldeas Kurdas del Cáucaso, en la devastada armenia post-soviética. Hamo es un viudo de 60 y tantos años, un oficial retirado de la armada roja. Sus únicos bienes son un viejo armario, un televisor ruso, su uniforme militar y una pensión de 7 dólares mensuales. Todos los días Hamo va hasta el cementerio y quita la nieve del retrato de la tumba de su esposa. Un poco más lejos, Nina, una atractiva viuda de 50 años, quita la nieve de la tumba de su marido. En el autobús que los trae de vuelta a sus aldeas viajan separados por tres filas de asientos. Hamo mira a Nina. Ella le devuelve la mirada. El paisaje fuera es totalmente blanco excepto por las piedras de las montañas. Cuando Hamo regresa a su pueblo encuentra una carta de su hijo que vive en París. El pueblo se altera.