Moh. Mochtar

Moh. Mochtar


Moh. Mochtar


Island of Love
Widowed lighthouse keeper Maria (Suzanna) and her daughter Kiki (Nur Afni Octavia) live on a small island in the grip of Karto (Parto Tegal).
A fellow member in a martial arts school murders Indra’s teacher and Yanti’s father. But Indra and Yanti are told not to take revenge as their skills are still inferior. Indra and Yanti then move to the city. Here, Indra accidentally becomes a member of a syndicate and he earns a good living from it but his heart is not at peace. He intends to quit but then Yanti and her child are murdered by a member of the cobra syndicate. So he destroys the syndicate’s headquarters and faces the man who killed his teacher, the syndicate’s leader. Even though his skill is inferior, he manages to win in the end.
Wishing to Get Rich Quick
Gambler Kosim tries to hang himself but is saved by an old man, who then recommends he go visit a cave-dwelling hermit who knows black magic. There, Kosim learns a magic spell to transform himself into a pig. As a requirement, he has to sacrifice one of his children and he's not allowed to hear prayer nor see monkeys. He uses his new power to steal money until he's caught, shot and decapitated, but his head lives on.
Ratapan Anak Tiri
Because she violated the doctor’s order to not get pregnant again, Yuwono’s wife finally dies while she is pregnant with her third child. Yuwono then marries an office staff, Ningsih. Harun, another co-worker who also loves Ningsih, tries to destroy Yuwono by tampering with the office’s financial report so that Yuwono is arrested and is investigated. Harun then influences Ningsih, regarding her standing as a stepmother, so that Yuwono’s house is taken over and the stepchildren, Netty and Susy, are treated harshly. The two children run away from home, looking for their father, and are separated for a time. When Yuwono is proven innocent and is released, he does not find his children at home and goes around Jakarta to look for them. He finally finds them again.
Warrior of the Seven Well
Harun who cannot stand Mustofa’s repressiveness decides to leave his village to study martial arts. One year later, Harun returns and defends the villagers repressed by Mustofa
Blind Virgin
Oni is an orphan who is born blind. She is adopted by a cart puller. Despite of his blindness, Oni can cure diseases. So when her adopting parent dies, someone else takes care of her. But ever since her village is pillaged Oni lives on as a wanderer.
Samiun dan Dasima
Drawing from the novel, lenong (play) and the previous film (Njai Dasima I), this new film version has heightened erotic scenes considered the boldest for its time. But as mentioned by the director, the eroticism is meant to reveal the psychological aspects of the characters. Unlike the previous version, that mainly highlights conflict between love and witchcraft, this one features social and psychological conflicts. For example, how Dasima feels like an outsider with Edward Williams’s friends, or how she prefers leaving their house to live with her maid in the village. It also shows more background of the Samiun and Hayati characters - Samiun is a black market trader with a lot of debts and Hayati is a woman obsessed with gambling to get rich. When his debts are due and he is unable to pay, Samiun asks his friend, Puasa, to “rob” him while he is returning to their village with Dasima.
The Blind Man from Ghost Cave
Mysterious blind man Mata Malikat arrives in a small village and disrupts the peace, starting with killing one of the village's most respected fighters. The fighter's son then tries to avenge his death.
Menjusuri Djedjak Berdarah
On the trail to catch the killer of his brother, Achmad easily defeats a bandit who challenges him. This impresses Citra, a child, who since then follows Achmad wherever he goes. When they come to a village threatened by robbers, Achmad stops and tries to solve the problem. One of the tough guys of the village, Wirya, notices Achmad and is impressed by him and Achmad’s religious devotion. He becomes friends with Achmad and asks him to agree to his condition not to bother Aisah, a village girl, who is actually in love with Achmad. Then the robbers launch a major attack, which Achmad repels. From the defeated chief, Achmad finds out that Wirya is the killer of his brother. Wirya admits killing Achmad’s brother, for committing crime and adultery.
Anang, Saman and Ahmad are three best friends from a village in Subang. Anang and Ahmad fall in love with Saman's sister, Hasanah. When the call for enrollment in Heiho (army troops formed by Japanese) is announced, Anang and Saman register themselves but Ahmad does not. Anang is accepted as a soldier. When the village people welcome the Heiho, Ahmad commits theft. Hasanah's heart leans more and more towards Anang, and she yearns for his return.
Di Desa
A propaganda film which tells us about the daily life of Indonesian people under Japanese military occupation. Showing a happy life as a voluntary army, farmer, planter and seller in supporting Japan's war.
Boenga Sembodja
Poelo Inten
Tengkorak Hidoep
Raden Darmadji and his friends visit Mustika Island to search for Raden's brother, who disappeared there ten years ago without a trace. The island is also the location where an ancient warrior named Maha Daru was buried 2000 years ago... only Maha Daru is still very much alive. Said to be strongly influenced by the Dracula films, this was censored in its home country multiple times yet became a box office hit nonetheless. It's also considered the very first Indonesian horror film.
Si Gomar
After a pirate attack, a family is separated. Soebardja is with his father while Mariani stays with the mother. Due to their long separation and different foster parents, Mariani and Soebardja almost get married to each other. But Ismail, their cousin, is the one who prevents the mistake from happening.
Srigala Item
Mardjoeki goes missing after his wealth is taken by his brother, Djoekri. His son, Mochtar, is left behind and is treated like a slave by Djoekri. Later, The Black Jackal, a man in a mask, thwarts Djeokri's cruelty. In a chase scene between Djoekri and The Black Jackal, it turns out that Mardjoeki is still alive, and he is the man behind the mask all this time.
Johan Bessey is a tycoon with two daughters, Emma and Diana. Matula (the ugly face), wants to court Emma, so he makes a pact with the shaman to make him look good in return for his soul. He almost loses his soul but Johan Bessey’s magic bamboo spear prevents this. Matula returns to his original ugly look, and his body emanates a rancid odour.
Sea Lion
Robin is exiled from society after he is accused of murdering a man named Ibrahim in a fight. Twenty years later Ibrahim's son, Mahmud, begins a search for his father's killer. He soon reaches the island of Sampojo, where he finds Robin. The exile has taken up piracy and now uses the name "Singa Laoet" (The Sea Lion). After one of Robin's men, Hasan, kidnaps a girl whom he loves, Mahmud tracks the kidnapper down and fights him to the death. It is later revealed that Hasan, not Robin, was the one who killed Ibrahim
Winata’s preoccupation with his business causes a lot of conflict with his wife, Dasima. Eventually they end their marriage. Then Dasima becomes Samiun’s wife, who only wants Dasima’s wealth. When Samiun’s behavior gets worse, Dasima asks for a divorce. She demands for her jewelry, all of which are already gambled away by Samiun, be returned. Samiun makes a deal with Bang Puasa to get rid of Dasima. When she is cornered by Samiun and Puasa, she jumps off a bridge and dies. Later, the police arrest Samiun and Puasa.
Aceh's Knife
Bintara is a pirate captain who sails the Malaka strait. He robs ships and murders their crews. Two children survive one of the attacks. They are Rusna and Daud. 15 years later the two become teenagers and live in the woods. There they meet the courageous Panglima Ali. At that time, Bintara is still conducting his evil deeds. But his life is ended by Panglima Ali’s blade.
Travelling through his coconut plantation, Suhiyat, the prodigal son of a wealthy man, runs into Suyati who is being harassed by Rainan. When he helps Surati, he also inflames the jealousy of Rasmina, the widow, who is attracted to him, even though she is courted by Karta. Heartbroken, she gets Rainan to abduct Surati. But she escapes inside the woods and manages to befriend the animals. These animals are the ones who save her when Rainan's men raid the woods to take her back. Finally Suhiyat rescues Suyati. Rasmina regrets her evil deeds and returns to her former husband, Karta.