Ameena, una inmigrante musulmana paquistaní, se despierta en Eid y descubre que tiene que ir a la escuela. Nostálgica y con el corazón roto, se embarca en la misión de hacer de Eid un día festivo en las escuelas públicas y, en el proceso, se reconecta con su hermana mayor y abraza su nuevo hogar, mientras que su nuevo hogar la abraza a ella.
It's a new year at Montclair High and it's about to become the most tumultuous time for this year's senior crop. At Montclair High School, three different students bond with one another through a variety of comic, dramatic and episodic circumstances. Star jock Sean (Ross Hamilton) has it all, including the girl (Kim Valentine) and the scholarship. But when he fails an important exam and his girlfriend's life is endangered by a sleazy musician, Sean enlists a class clown (Brent Jasmer) and a sex-starved computer geek (Jonathan Gorman) for the ultimate revenge.